Wednesday, October 24, 2007

My Ducks are Still NOT in a Row.....

but, not for lack of trying. I am. I think I am suffering from that Missing Sock from the Dryer Curse....except, I am the sock that HAS GONE missing ....and just trying to find my way back inside the DRYER DRUM...and not having much luck....

I got my invite to RAVELRY...and I got to work, setting up. Of course, I did not read ALL,the instructions like a good little girl....I just wanted to get started. I was making real progress....and THENNNNNNNNNN....

The site went down for maintenance....of course, I did not know that....I am NO TECHNO WHIZ....It just would not work....I kept running through the steps...I was wired from the caffeine and nacho I began to retrace my cyber steps...

All this happened.....just as I set up a group for Bucks County Fiber enthusiasts because, I could not find one and have not been able to find one.....close by, not held in a LYS....

I have sworn off stash enhancement for two years(I DO NOT TURN DOWN GIFTS OR DONATIONS. I have not gone completely, DAFT! :-)....The LYS is not the place for me...I do not need a 12-step program to tell me this. I have no willpower when it comes to yarn.

So, I began doing a few other things.....and checking back. I wasted another hour or so... before getting the novel idea to read the site's directions....and while reading them....I realized:

YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO START A GROUP without ....FIRST finding three members to join you, in said GROUP.....OOOPS....not even 24 hours later, I am in violation of their RULES.....

....after waiting months for my less than 24 hours, I had probably, been BONGED from the site for not following the rules....banished forever and without notice.......


I moved on to my next, TRY to do...Let's try the facebook site, which has been mentioned so frequently in the news.....and find out what is going on there.

I never did go to bed that morning..........

I signed up on facebook, success... I started perusing the fiber groups to join....and noticed there was NO, free form knitting and crochet group....and I decided to set one up.

Did I really make that decision? Hadn't that been where I blew it on Ravelry? In my defense, please recall....I had been eating that nacho cheese without any nutritional value....and was a little wound up from all that caffeine...and NO SLEEP.

I am not kidding.....I actually, tried and tried to upload a photo there....and it was just plain hopeless. Same scenario, different explanation notice....Just plain ole....we don't want YOUR photos....we don't want YOUR group....and we are not going to tell YOU why! I felt like a cyber outcast....

And, just about then, a delayed notice came up....Ravelry is down for maintenance...they did not bong me...they like me...they were just busy :-).
I HOPE..........

I have not had the guts to go back on that site to see if some kind souls...joined my group....and covered my butt...ipso facto....

And, the truth be known...I am glad they allowed me to join....but, Honestly, I think I am going to need to wait for the book...RAVELRY for dummies....because...well....I am not good with all those rules. I am looking to simplify my life....not make it more difficult.

I decided to take some time off from Millicent(my computer) and the net...

I am not strong enough....

I got some well deserved rest......and DID a little in DO something....rather than, think about it, talk about it, write about it, read about it....JUST DO IT. I have been more successful and made some progress in the march toward finishing up....those UFO's in my HIDDEN TORMENT!

Knitting I can do. I can take some yarn....cast on....and make may not be perfect....but, it is mine.... but...binding off...finishing off....I am have difficulty with these days....and it has manifested itself in so many areas in my life.

Blogging is good, net socializing is good....perhaps, it teaches us things we would not know, otherwise....

But, so is binding off...and finishing off. Perhaps, the net has produced all these UFO's....something to think about. What aren't you getting done....because you are talking and typing about it instead?

I need to do more binding and finishing off in my life and a lot sooner. It is the only way, I am ever going to get my ducks in a row and my life back in order. How about you?

Wishing you all a wonderful evening...
Smiles to YOU,

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