Wednesday, March 19, 2008

How to blog when life is busy..........

and you are way too tired to type........and should be in bed dreaming about...whatever.

Life is so complicated these days, dating and dating....and opening a shop in Doylestown, PA.......and trying to unload my antiques and extraneous stuff... and finding that honest people are a rarity these days.

Been working on business plans, and architectural plans....this is a bit overwhelming....and exciting at the same time. Set up a corporation... THE DOG BEAR PLANET, INC. EIN#'s to get, business machine.........labels, make art to sell.......etc, etc, etc.

yes, those are a photos of the progress...under construction. Hard to believe that one day in the future it will become my place of business. Now why did I decide this was my road to travel?
wishing you all a very happy day,
smiles to you,

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