Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tutorial for I-Cord Bind-OFF with PHOTOS...

This is my version of the easy way to do an I-Cord Bind OFF edging as illustrated from the felted bag I just completed see this post. You will need a gauge swatch to work this tutorial and 2 additional DP(Double Point) needles in the same size as your working needles for your gauge swatch. In the pocket below, my live stitches are on a circular needle.

I am using a very bulky yarn and large needles size 13, which makes this tutorial really easy to follow, but YOU can use any size needles and yarn that you prefer.


STEP 1: With your regular needles prepare a swatch. You can use any size needles and yarn that you wish. Make sure you have two DP needles to match your pocket or swatch needle.

I would cast on 15 to 20 stitches and then work an equal number of rows. You are now ready to begin this tutorial

STEP 2: Cast on three additional stitches for the I-Cord Bind off. Note: you may cast on any amount of stitches you desire, the more stitches the larger/ thicker the I-Cord will be.

Insert right needle, through last two stitches on left needle.........wrap yarn around right needle and....

STEP 3: Pull up stitch (loop) with right needle as shown in the photo below.

STEP 4: Twist the stitch (loop) you just pulled through and transfer it from your right needle to the left needle. One cast on stitch made.

STEP 5: Insert your right needle Front to Back between stitch just made and last stitch on left needle. Pull the loop up through the original two stitches.

Twist right needle clockwise and place new stitch on left needle. It will look like the photograph in step 6 below, after you have cast on the 3 required stitches. Note: your I-cord can be as big as you choose, add as many stitches as you require.

STEP 6: Repeat this procedure until there are three new stitches on the left shown in the photo to the below.

STEP 7: Pick up and put these last three stitches and put them on your DP needle.

STEP 8: Knit the first two stitches on your DP needle using the other DP needle
as your right hand needle.

STEP 9: Insert DP needle through BACK loop of last Stitch on DP needle and through the BACK loop of the first stitch on Pocket needle - Knit these two stitches together.

Slide pocket stitch carefully off its needle then the other stitch off its needle. You should have 3 stitches on your right DP needle. You have created one bound off I- cord pocket stitch.

STEP 10: You have 3 stitches on the DP needle now and one less on the pocket needle. See photo below.

STEP 11: Now pull working yarn behind the stitches as shown below......and then.....

STEP 12: Slide Stitches from one end of the DP needle (top photo) to the other end of the needle, as shown in the bottom photo. Begin knitting next round.

STEP 13: Repeat step 8-12 until all pocket stitches are bound off.

STEP 14: To bind off last stitches, when the last stitch from pocket needle is bound off. Pull working yarn behind these stitches. Slide these stitches to the opposite end of the DP needle, now bind off each stitch. Secure the end thread but, sewing it through the stitches and then pull it through I-cord cylinder to hide the end. You are finished. See photo below of finished pocket with completed I-Cord edging.

I hope this tutorial helps you with your next I-Cord bind off.

It was a total techno nightmare preparing this. Gottal run I am 30 minutes late to my stitch n'bitch meeting....

wishing you a great evening,

smiles to you,


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

They're backkkkkkkk!!!! Fallen LEAVES!

With a vengeance. Where have I been?....ONE WITH MY LEAF VACUUM!!!

How do I love that lawn and garden tool....It is my best pal! I pray for him every day....that he does not die on me, before the end of November....I love him....I even decided to name him. VIRGIL...the leaf vacuum...I would kiss him but, absolutely positively...YUCKKKKKK!

He is one of the best men that I have known.

Without him, I would never have time to knit in the fall....all I would be doing is raking and raking and more raking. The best part is he makes mulch to put around my trees. Leave mulch, is one of the best mulches to use in your garden.

Every morning,I have to remove leaves from the pool, leaves from the pool deck and leaves from the wooden deck. UGGGGGGHHHHH! All I have to say, is if you do not have one get one! Now!

Okay, and then there is my new best find. without UFO boyfriend, DOES HAVE its benefits and may I emphasize.....PLENTY of benefits....but, I have to admit, he was great at trimming high bushes which, I just can't reach. Well today, while I was searching for solutions....since, I am deathly afraid of ladders and heights.I found this....YIPPEE!!!

Guess who ordered one, pronto!today...? MOI!!! how great is this...? You may want one too...what a great invention...and it is cordless. I guess, I just have to admit I am a girl that LOVESSSSSSSS, power tools! No more shredding the power cord with my hedge trimmer...which is a yearly occurence! Just burnt up another one last week.

Now that we got the lawn work out of the way let's talk about knitting. Finished the felted tote bag, finally. It is off the needles and just have to felt it. Made progress on the clapotis scarf, but not real happy with the yarn selection. Oh well, some poor soul will get it for a holiday gift. My sleeves for the cable and lace cardigan are still going, albeit slow. Hopefully, I will have time to focus this weekend, am binding off for the sleeve caps, finally. Then just have to sew it up.

and surprise, surprise, while finishing up the tote bag, I suddenly realized that I was knitting with big yarn and big needles and could take photos while I did it. So I did...and coming soon will be a pictutorial of an I-Cord bind-off. I hope to post that later this week.

Between the leaves and the ebay store decluttering project....I am strapped for time these days! Please check out my ebay store...besides the cool antiques, I am putting up some yarn kits, a swift, a needlepoint kit, caligraphy kit unused and there will be knitting books as keep store or sign up for my newsletter there.

gotta run and do ebay postings....

wishing you a great day,
smiles to you,

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I oughta have something relevant to say......BUT, ....

sometimes in life it is best to shut your yapper! Silence is golden....blah, blah, blah!

Here are my thoughts of late, the less said the better. Summer is almost gone...and did I find the man of my dreams????....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Did I finish up my UFO's? NOOOOOOOOO!

So where did summer go? who knows, but it might be the last at my home. The last time I spend at my pool. So I am enjoying it like it will be my last time.

UFO has done himself in...FINALLY! I don't think he will ever be able to resurrect himself from this one.........all I will said in this regard is...what webs we create, when we first choose to deceive....will eventually bite us in the BUTT!

I am at work on two UFO's....a felted knitting tote and the cables and lace cardigan. I must admit the cables and lace cardigan got to me again, the pattern is intense...I am 3/4 of the way done the sleeves and just finishing to be done.

The good news, is I have not cast on any new projects...the Bad news, is not much knitting news to report.

I got bored and started to work on the felted tote bag. I finished the tote bag today and just started on the first of two I-Cords for the straps. This one should be done this week. It is a two-for...because, I am unloading a yarn that I bought in the late 80's in the midwest, which color was not becoming to me as a sweater...and I will be finishing one of my UFO's. Will post photos before I felt this baby.

Meanwhile, I am focused on unloading STUFF, on ebay...please visit my store. I will have many craft items up for sale....eventually and equally interesting paraphenalia, vintage stuff and antiques. I am doing this one box at a time. It is tedious...but, it feels good to get this STUFF to homes that will love it!!!!

wishing you a wonderful day,