Without delay, I cast on.......with some sock yarn I had bought at a LYS sale........but did not like the look. We started a KAL on the Bucks County Knitters group on ravelry. Feel free to join us......
I went hunting into the stash room, when guess what I should find......my missing digital camera from almost a year ago......LOL!!! Now I have two cameras...UGGGH!!! In any case, I did not find a sock yarn that I wanted.....so went hunting in my bedroom and found some alpaca and silk singles perfect for this sock on my schacht spinning wheel.
I was so excited about finishing my first toe up socks, I decided to cast on for the Overlapping Leaves Toe Up Sock Pattern, which is a free ravelry.com download. I have read comments that the heel maybe an issue......will let you know as I progress.
Smiles to YOU,