I did a little shoveling, this morning. Will go back out in a bit, to do more. A bit at a time. Brought in some firewood to dry in my garage, for a fire and some knitting this evening. I am contemplating soup. I found some Sante Fe Corn Chowder soup mix...and I have the fixings to add...for my dinner. I am envisioning a quiet evening, warm, tv and my fibers. This is my romance for now. I am content.
No UFO boyfriend, to torture my heart and soul. It has been a long road... but, to quote BB King.....the thrill is long gone. I want happiness...I want peace and contentment. I want stability and sanity in my life...and
those that do not fit that simple criteria, no longer have a place in my life. This is a conscious decision I have made this month. No going back... No being dragged back into that drama....never again.
How did this come about? I spoke to his ex. She told me she is now happily married to a nice guy, after two years of therapy. Need I say more. She said, people are what they are....decide what you want and go out and find him. He is there, you are just not looking in the right places. Stop lying to yourself, or wishing an apple was an orange.
Which got me to thinking....is that why some of my projects end up in the UFO heap....were they apples that I wanted to be oranges....and I put them aside, hoping one day when I open that old knitting bag, they will some how miraculously have turned into oranges with time? Taking up space and knitting tools, that could be used to start a new project....that might be the orange....instead of the apple, I did not want.
...My thought is UFO's, just need to be FROGGED....at a certain age? They represent old dreams....and leave no room for new dreams. Holding onto to something, just because you are afraid to face the time and effort invested, was not worthwhile, is not productive either.
I am wondering, how many of these UFO's in my studio, need to be unraveled to begin again....with a new plan....and new concept....a new dream. When do we determine the time is right to Unravel old dreams and find new ones. A year, three years...five? When do you decide a UFO is just that a UFO....and accept, it as a failure that can become a new success....if you start over?
Happy Friday......
Smiles to you,
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