I am knitting the anniversary mystery shawl,vicarously ....at this point.
I found the yarn for it, it is a laceweight merino wool I bought in 2000 from ebay. I believe it was hanspun in a beautiful natural gray color. I hope to start the gauge swatch sometime this week. Mystery shawls seem so popular, that I could not resist....the opportunity for a free pattern.
I am judiciously saving the clues....and reading the other knitters woes and successes....scanning the photos of completed progress. There are four patterns offered every saturday, you pick one. I am a non participant at this point....beyond gathering my wool and seeing what the various other knitters pattern combinations are
The subject of lifelines has come up as the number of stitches on the needles is becoming over the 500 mark.........and if you are knitting a laceweight shawl...you might want to check out this great explanation for how to insert a lifeline, HERE.
I know when I start my shawl, I am going to use a lifeline....it makes sense. Knitters put lifelines throughout a long knitting project, it is insurance in case you make a mistake and need to frog intricate lace patterns. You can frog back to the lifeline and know exactly where you are in the pattern.
I think that a lifeline between every clue makes sense....which, got me to thinking about life in general. We all make mistakes.....living with intention is similar to knitting with intention. It is good to know, if you hit one of those places in life where you begin falling backwards...... that you know what the worst case scenario is. Can we insert lifelines into our lives, so we don't always find ourselves free falling....or is that just something we do with the shawls that we make?
I personally think this is another lesson....to be learned from knitting. Where do we insert our lifelines....and when do we remove them.....? can our lifelines work against us?
and is this why I attempt to frog UFO boyfriend and he always comes back into my life.....was he in my lifeline structure....too? Or was I his lifeline and he does not even realize it? What happens when a person you need to frog....is so intertwined within your daily life and pursuits? HOW FAR BACK DO YOU NEED TO FROG.......to finally be free of this Mistake?
.......and I have made major progress on the UFO cables and lace cardigan from 2004.
I finished the right and left front sides and I cast on the sleeves this week.
I plan on working on the sleeves all next week.........and with any luck this UFO will be finished within the next two weeks...and I can cast on the mystery shawl.
Next weekend is July 4th, I am hoping for some peaceful serenity and definite knitting time..........and YOU....what do you have planned for this holiday weekend?
Wishing you a wonderful week filled with your favorite fiber pursuits........
Smiles to YOU......