UFO boyfriend, has been frogged permanently! (L this is for you....LOL!)...and for others reading this blog...L is a fan...and has been recommending this ever since first reading my blog. Frogging a person from your life....is a concept I had never considered....How to do that effectively, will be a subject possibly for my next post.
Frogged permanently meaning, for example, numbers removed from my speed dial, etc. The things you set up in life when you are in a relationship....and perhaps are no longer consciously aware of their existence....photos around the house, in rooms you rarely visit are another....and the list can go on.....and on. It was time, I had just not gotten around to it. Now it is done. It was painless, because a true break up, is just that....indicative that something is broken....and can not be fixed. It is time to move on to greener pastures.
This is just as important, for personal relationships that have gone awry as for home projects, art projects...and knitting projects. Clutter blocks energy....either physical clutter or emotional.
So when does a UFO need to be Frogged?
1. When it's very existence keeps you from moving forward, consciously or subconsciously.
2. When it impacts your creativity, negatively.
3. When it weighs on your heart, too heavily.
4. When there is no future.
5. When it takes more effort or thought than it will likely ever give.
6. When it is totally out of your control...like you need more yarn and it is no longer available or in the original dye lot you require.
7. When it is oversized or undersized....It does not fit you and probably never will!
8. When you know no matter what you do, it will never make you happy or even crack a smile........and there are other projects or alternatives that will!!!
9. When you have partially frogged and redid, frogged and redid more than 5 times....give up and start a new project, this one just was not for you.....even though it seemed perfect at conception.
10. When you run out of storage space....and there is no where left to put this oddball.......
On other subject matters, the puppy doozal...is 16 weeks old......and growing cuter by the day.
Puppy kisses are good for your soul..........!!!!!
She is healthy and happy and a good addition to our home.Koko is so happy and thriving with her new friend.
Note, trust your instincts,even when all your friends and family are telling you, not to do something, it does not mean your instincts aren't the right ones.
This is what the interior looks like so far.I have put 5 months into planning this venture, so if I do decide to end the transaction it will be with great difficulty....but with the knowledge that I had no other choice.
Hint: It has something to do with the nefarious antique dealer across the way, who is not on the up and up! He has a theft record fairly long and a history of drug abuse. I am not pleased about the situation for many reasons, obvious and otherwise.
Some people see second chances only as a way to do more harm.
I am weighing my options as I type and will make a final decision at the end of this holiday weekend.
Please take a moment this weekend, to remember those that are still far from home....fighting on our behalf, protecting our shores....and those that have died to honor our country and US.
Wishing you all a wonderful fun and remembrance filled holiday,
smiles to you,
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