On Wednesday morning when I sat down at my computer to read my emails, I found an email from a doll enthusiast, inquiring if I would knit a replica scarf for a 12" doll of science fiction character Dr. Who , he enclosed the picture to the left as the model for
the design.
Dr. Who according to Wikpedia, is a Britsh Sci Fi show that began in 1963 and per the Guinness World Records, is apparently the longest running Sci-Fi TV show.
He requested that the scarf be 26" X 1" plus tassels, and that the yarn and stitch size be to gauge of a 12" doll........
I wrote back for more information, such as yarn desired before I could quote a price. Obviously in situations such as this, and being that I handspin yarn and dye it, I offered a wide variety of possibilities, including custom dyeing to match the photo.
In the meantime, it hit me that I had some very fine persian wool needlepoint yarn...and some #0 double point needles...which, are about the same gauge as a needlepoint needle......UGGGGGGGGGGH!!!

So I was able to make the scarf out of vintage needlepoint wool from the 1960's, which is the same time period the show first aired on British TV...... how cool is that? Thank You, Aunt Parma!!!!
One never knows what's it FATE
Especially the Stash the Moths never ATE!
.....So I set about preparing a gauge swatch to send to the doll enthusiast. He approved it and the quoted price.....and away I went at the project.
I had never made any knitted doll accessories....so this was exciting design project for me.
I had to quote a price, which was about the same as I would charge for a human scarf. I was not sure that he would accept this, but he did. He tells me it is hard to find a knitter to knit doll scarves at a reasonable price.
Now, I know why....LOL!!!
I would not have done it for less and would probably want a bit more, if I did this in the future. It was really tedious knitting with the #0 needles. I found I was splitting the plys with the very sharp needles, so had to knit very slowly. I was sure I would go blind before I was done. Weaving in the multiple threads took me one and a half hours alone! But, it is done...and is very cool!!!

The needlepoint yarn, I believe was a good choice, due to its durability and hopefully the doll won't feel itchy....and I really like that the age of the yarn matches the age of the character, Dr.Who first being introduced.
I think it would be worthwhile, if I would ever knit another doll scarf to perhaps use a self striping sock yarn if one could be found with the right colors....or perhaps to dye lace yarn to self strip, that way all the end weaving would be avoided. On the other hand the dye time, would make the price of the project....a lot more expensive.
Please note, the artist's figure doll used to model the Mini Dr. Who scarf, is 18" high as opposed to the actual doll it was made for which, is 12" high.
Dr. Who Replica Doll Scarf Recipe
Here is the recipe for My version of the Dr. Who doll scarf. Using Persian Needlepoint Wool in various colors as desired. Cast on 9 stitches on #0 needles...and start knitting every row: Garter stitch, changing colors to match the photo above, or whenever you feel the need. You may want to use magnifying glasses and you will need very bright light to see the teeny tiny stitches. Remember it is always best to change colors on the front side, but if you want to make small stripes somewhere, for a bit of variety, change a few colors on the wrong side.
So how is your summer going? What are you knitting these days?
I am still plugging away on my UFO Cables and Lace Cardigan. I am almost at the sleeve caps....and then just need to sew it up. I will be happy to get this project off the needles. It is turning out well. It is amazing that this project was started 4 years ago....a UFO with a future. That is something to smile about....is it not?
Wishing you all a wonderful summer day, wherever you may be.......
Smiles to You,
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