It has been a crazy month....for me, so much has happened, none of it exceptional...and most of it a blur...
I am baking sweet potatoes as I type this for my favorite T-ay holiday dish. I saw it made on Oprah years ago...and you can probably find the recipe on her site. I modified it and it is really here it is.
Sweet Potatoes with Carmelized Granny Apple Casserole
4 lbs of sweet potatoes roasted in oven at 450 degrees until soft. Peel skin
off and mash in a bowl.
3 granny apples, peeled, sliced and chopped. Put it into a saute pan with 1/4 cup
of butter and 1/2 cup of brown sugar and sauted until carmelized and brown.
In the meantime, melt 1/2 stick of butter and then, mix with 1/2 cup heavy cream, 1/4cup brown sugar, 1 tsp nutmeg, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, salt and freshly ground pepper to taste. Pour this mixture over sweet potatoes and add 1/2 cup of freshly squeezed OJ and mix well. Fold in the apple mixture.
Pour into a casserole and top with large marshmallows...put in a preheated oven at 375 degrees and bake for 30-45 minutes until marshmallow top blows up...
Make sure to put aluminum foil in the oven under the casserole, or you will have a real mess...but, a MESS well worth it. You can make the potatoe mixture in advance, I did tonite, and then just pour into a casserole the day of your event, let it come to room temperature and then follow baking instructions.
My friends who do not like sweet potatoes, love this recipe...they can never believe that it is so good!!! enjoy!
I am having Thanksgiving with my aunt, a second cousin, a friend of aunties, and UFO boyfriend. She invited him....who knows why, because she does not like his behavior either. We are really not getting along lately. He has done some things that I really do not know if I can forgive. He insists that we will work it out, but I just
do not see that happening. Or any effort to make this come to fruition on his part.
I am dating others at this point. I just have not met anyone else that, I even remotely like being with for more than a few dates. It is so hard to meet someone at my age, we are all so set in our ways and have so much baggage we are toting around.
I think it is especially tough at this time of year not to have a SO that you enjoy being with...during all the celebrations. I am not looking forward to experiencing this again in 2007.
And if that is not enough to deal with, the ex-hubby has been turning up wherever, I am for the past few weeks. Spooky. Last night we had the first meeting of the Bucks County ravelers at Starbucks in Newtown and who shows up...and without his knitting. LOL! He pulls up a chair and starts to talk, like he was an invited guest. No he does not knit. I reminded him how he tried to value my stash at $25k during our divorce. Can you believe it? Who does a thing like that?
My thought, if you are considering divorce, nothing is sacred, get your stash out of your house, safely to a storage facility and do not tell anyone!!!
He is trying to convince me to give him back his golf clubs he left at the house, which are now legally mine. I said, I would be happy to give them to him, if he pays me the money he owes. Well you know how that goes, no is circuitous, so I think I am just going to put them up for auction on ebay...because
when they are gone that argument is over.
I am working on a felted bag from the book, Knitters Stash with some stash yarns. It is for my aunt. I still have not assembled the Nicky Epstein 25th anniversary scarf...all parts are still lying in a box, to do. I am planning on sorting my stash this weekend and to start putting it up for sale. It is overwhelming me and I know that I will never use it all in a lifetime. Most was bought on sale at exceptional prices and I figure, I may as well pass it on to someone that will enjoy it and use it.
I think part of my hoarding fibers had to do with the mess my marriage was in and the distress of the long divorce proceedings. I want to destash my entire life these days and live simpler. It is like that old george carlin skit on STUFF...the more stuff you have the more time it takes to manage it is a never ending fight. It sucks up your time.
I went to watch UFO boyfriend play at open mike night
at the rusty nail on haverford ave in ardmore, two weeks ago. It was fun. Many of our friends were there we had not seen in a while. He was not playing well in my humble opinion, so I was a little a disappointed.
The place is a bit of a dump...but there is good music and if you live nearby it is fun to go and listen to the locals play, on Thursday nights.
business for some people.
YUCK....I guess this goes with the funeral home business, we know very little about this.
The following evening, while I was driving downtown, I heard a news report that in Havertown there is a gang of people, one woman and four men that are house jacking people's homes. The woman knocks at your door, and when you open it, the guys rush in and tie you up and rob you. Lovely!
I rarely answer my door these days unless I am expecting someone. I guess this is the safe way to live these days. Be careful if you do answer, because that person who looks hurt or injured and needing help may be
a ruse. It is probably safer to just call the police. What a world we live in!

with her photo, but someone came and bought her
the night before, I was going to visit her.
I was upset.
I have been looking for a companion for Koko for two
months with no luck. It is becoming depressing.
It is so hard to find a really wonderful pet...and even
harder if you are searching for a companion for another
If anyone reading this blog knows of someone with a litter of shih tzu's from a reputable breeder, please let me know...
I am so tired of reading the endless ads that lead no where...and I refuse to pay over $1000 for a dog...that is just insane!
wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday,
smiles to you,
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