You actually even go to your blog site, open up the post window......and well the phone rings, you would rather clip your toe nails, pick your nose, pull weeds, clean your toilet, pay bills,etc. You have Dead Beat Blogger syndrome, until the shame and guilt drives you to type anything,to make excuses for your tardy post.
So I will leave it to your imagination as to my actual excuses for not posting in over a month, except to say this........ PROCRASTINATION.... OVERWHELMED with my life and responsibilities, and dealing with the stresses of the so-called FINANCIAL TSUNAMI, etc.
I do have several accomplishments to report:
I finished the 'Everyone Knows Jacket'. I liked this project, the instructions were well written and the finished product fits well. I did not do the side dropped stitch pattern as I like a warm sweater in the winter. I did do the drop stitch pattern on the sleeves.
After finishing the sweater, I realized that it was not real smart to use noro kureopatra yarn for a drop sleeve pattern since the fibers tend to pull apart. My hope is after the first washing they will felt a bit, so this does not become a problem. Here are some photos:
I also finished my KIP 2008 knitting project which, was a checkerboard scarf. I like how it turned out, photos and pattern forthcoming. A great take along knitting project.
After the success of the the 'Everyone Knows Jacket', I decided to to finish up the Hooded Pullover #14 by Deborah Newton in the 2008 Vogue Magazine. I have made major headway,finished the back and the front.
I screwed up the front, I realized as I was just about to take it off the needles. I forgot to bind off for the neck opening. UGGGGGGGGGH! I started to frog.......and re-knit it according to the instructions. As I was frogging, I realized, I should have just steeked the neckline, it would have saved me re-knitting and would have been much faster. Oh well...a good tip for the next time this occurs. I must admit, I have never steeked as the idea of cutting my lovely knit stitches.....sends chills up my spine, but this would have been the most expedient fix for this error.
I have cast on the sleeves, I am doing both at the same time. All that is left after that is the hood. I am so happy with this project so far......the instructions are well written and clear....
This pattern is for an experienced knitter, who has experience with complex cable stitches.I prepared an exel spread sheet to keep all the pattern changes by row, which helps immensely in doing complex aran cable sweaters, where the number of pattern rows for each design varies.
I have this for the body of the sweater and will make one for the sleeves. This is especially helpful if you tend to put your knitting down for a period of it helps you to know where you left off.
On the ulcer front, I am glad to report that the ulcer is cured. It took 3 months, but I am on the road to recovery.........with changed habits........and better emotional borders, as a result. I can not say it strongly enough, stress kills and people and things in your life who constantly produce stress, do have an effect. The time to dispose of the stress is before you get an ultra large bleeding is just not worth it. Life is difficult enough without things and people who exacerbate negativity.
I am still awaiting biopsy, but the area now looks clean and the doc believes it was just ulceration from the ulcer. I am so happy to be off the medication, which worked but, has side effects that are not pleasant. I was on it for longer than normal due to the extremely large size of my ulcer.
Spring has come on faster than usual this year.......most of my trees have full leaves and have bloomed. I will miss my house, once it sells.......I love my gardens, but, have decided that this is just too much upkeep for one small chick. It has overwhelmed me....and I need smaller digs.
The ebaying is overwhelming me, too........I have so much to get sold before the end of this year. I have been an overconsumer, pack rat extraodinaire. I feel great everytime, I find good homes for my things.
Please take a look at both my shops, will be putting up knitting and craft books and yarns, this week and every week going check back often. Here are the links to my online shops:
The bonanzle shop also has lots of hardback books, many that have never been opened so take a look. The prices are cheap, because I do not want to pack them up and move them. My loss is your gain!
Wishing you a great spring weekend,
Smiles to you,
1 comment:
your hooded pullover came out beautifully!i was admiring it on ravelry. if you are still inclined to share your spreadsheet, i would be very grateful!i am hoping to start on one as well. thank you in advance and again - beautiful work!
feliciah (rav)
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