I was reviewing webrings to join for this new blog...and there are many...just what a person who procrastinates over every choice needzzzzzzzzzzzz....lots of choices...Like are you KIDDDDDDDDDDDing...........I decided to keep it down to five for starters...
...it is saturday nite and even though....I should be out with UFO BOYFRIEND...I am not, he is still UFO...and I am still working on the freeform knit and crocheted coat...assiduously, I might add, I decided to select the first few blog rings that looked interesting.
He did think it was important to let me know he bumped into his boss last evening, and he got a compliment from him....it was so emergent, he sent the news by text message...LOL!
WHY? was my question this morning....
because, I wanted to share this information with you...
Share YOUR life???....I can't think about that stillllllllllllllllll, too much other stuff on my mind!!!!!
However, he seems to have NO PROBLEMO, FORCING ME, to share HIS LIFE....go ahead and try to figure that out...because, I CAN NOT!!!
....but, it DOES help to sew all these little teeny tiny pieces together....tedious....is good therapy!!!
....and this UFO blog ring.....seems fitting....to my life in total...although the challenge here is to finish one UFO knitting project per month....or deal with it and more than a FEW ROWS DO NOT COUNT!!!....and or frog it...and write about it. :-)
Here is the website: http://www.katwithak.com/ that started it all .....and she also has an online zine:Yarn Life Magazine where you will find the originating post in December 2006.
I did not find a webring for UFO boyfriend problems or the UFO boyfriend scarf curse...SOOOO,I might have to start one.... so if you have any UFO boyfriend scarf curse stories, please email me. Honestly, though I have not searched for one either...YETTTTTTTTT!!! Or for UFO lives...............project for next week.
My friends have all had it with the stories of BF....and I feel like carrie in Sex in the city, when she drives all her friends to the brink and they send her to a therapist....because she walks out on BIG....when it hits her he is a definite, UFO boyfriend....
My favorite episode is #24....there is some good advice, therein....and also, it is always therapeutic to watch someone else........act totally ridiculous in the name of loving A MAN< that does not have a CLUE, as to what love is all about...or how to do it...that is not YOU!!!
The fact that he was 51, and never married, did not tip me off........and why????
In any case, I am going back to sewing....at least something is going to get finished, in this household this year....but will it fit? I am working on the right front today, it is half done...but, must confess I decided to make some apple martinis to go with it....so not sure how much longer I will work on it....but there is major progress...perhaps some photos tomorrow....
happy trails,
Saturday, April 14, 2007
A POEM written to my UFO LOVER
frustrated love
don't know why I bother....it is futile....
something is very wrong....
it has been for weeks now....
I have tried to reach you....but you won't let me in.
i am exhausted from trying with no reward....
passion dies if the flames are not stoked....
patiently, I have waited on this merry go round......
struggling to understand....
while you watch.....
unwilling to give me your hand....
i can not see your heart in my mind's eye....
through all the obstructions you have put
in our path.......
the music has stopped and the lights
have gone out....
all that remains is silence....
my tears....wet upon my cheeks
and your smoke.....and anger
buried in your own subterfuge...
you can not see ME.....
shadows of ghost women past
block your view.....
i can not find my way alone.....
you can not find the time or the
grace to sooth my soul....
calm my fears.........
or end the disrespect.....
that you evoke.... with all your smoke.....
you cling to your past anger like glue.......
fearing our chance to grow love anew.....
WE are now so very lost........can this be?
until the past for you.....is past
there can be no ME or US......
in your world.......there is no room...
among the past clutter, harsh judgments
and falsehoods, you so angrily profess........
for wings to sprout and US to fly....
without your hand, i have lost my way....
i shall miss the dream of US.
i wonder will you?
did you ever dream of US....?
I wonder still..........
you never would say.....
good bye, my darling...
(copyright October 2006, unauthorized use is prohibited
without the authors consent)
don't know why I bother....it is futile....
something is very wrong....
it has been for weeks now....
I have tried to reach you....but you won't let me in.
i am exhausted from trying with no reward....
passion dies if the flames are not stoked....
patiently, I have waited on this merry go round......
struggling to understand....
while you watch.....
unwilling to give me your hand....
i can not see your heart in my mind's eye....
through all the obstructions you have put
in our path.......
the music has stopped and the lights
have gone out....
all that remains is silence....
my tears....wet upon my cheeks
and your smoke.....and anger
buried in your own subterfuge...
you can not see ME.....
shadows of ghost women past
block your view.....
i can not find my way alone.....
you can not find the time or the
grace to sooth my soul....
calm my fears.........
or end the disrespect.....
that you evoke.... with all your smoke.....
you cling to your past anger like glue.......
fearing our chance to grow love anew.....
WE are now so very lost........can this be?
until the past for you.....is past
there can be no ME or US......
in your world.......there is no room...
among the past clutter, harsh judgments
and falsehoods, you so angrily profess........
for wings to sprout and US to fly....
without your hand, i have lost my way....
i shall miss the dream of US.
i wonder will you?
did you ever dream of US....?
I wonder still..........
you never would say.....
good bye, my darling...
(copyright October 2006, unauthorized use is prohibited
without the authors consent)
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
blogspots bloopers and other musings of the day

I am fairly certain the scarf curse hit the blog itself. It rages on. I have not been able to get onto my dashboard to post for over a week. I have however, been posting regularly to the blogspot HELP line, which should be renamed blogspot lottery, because you have about the same chances to gain any rational, real assistance.
And then it hit me, it might just be easier to set up a new blog....so I did and here it is. I of course have no idea, if the problems of blogger and google will effect this NEW VERSION in the new version blogger....but I hope not. :-)
Here is the URL for the unattainable, cyber unavailable former blogspot... http://konoponopdesigns.blogspot.com/ ....for blogging continium. May it rest peaceful undisturbed in cyber oblivion and not come back to haunt me in the days that come!!!
And then it hit me, it might just be easier to set up a new blog....so I did and here it is. I of course have no idea, if the problems of blogger and google will effect this NEW VERSION in the new version blogger....but I hope not. :-)
yes, just one more UFO in my life....my old blog....remains unfinished...but with a good excuse, I can not frog it, acquire assistance in finishing it off....I can NOT even delete it...it may be forever lost in cyberspace, frozen in UFOdom. In any case I was able to copy its old posts, all three, to this new blog. I just hope the curse did not come along?????
So therefore, in my world....april will forever be known as UFO month....and I blame the BF scarf for the entire situation. It is inanimate and will not talk back,(as is BF these days, which is definitely good news for now, silence can be golden!)...but if this blog goes by the wayside like the first one did....there will be no question that it is the BF SCARF curse that is the cause! You think I would have blocked that scarf by now...but NO!
The BF situation is still UFO....and I am considering doing the same thing that I did for the blog episode....just let him be, wherever and find a new BF. what do you think?
knitting news....I am working like a devil to sew all the little parts to my UFO free form jacket and making slow progress. It certainly was not due-able (is that a word?) in a weekend....or a week.....and NO, the scarf is not to blame for this slow progress, just lots of loose ends to tie up and tuck in.
I can not help but exclaiming here....a true analogy for my life at this moment in time. I spent all day yesterday on paperwork and finances....so depressing and never got to the FF piece until late when the lids were dropping and I could not work but for a half hour. I have more paperwork to do and have already spent the morning contemplating reasons to procrastinate further left brain activity for today.....and I came up with, "I don't want to!" DONE! It has waited this long, I mean what's another day????
I am cancelling the JOB interview in outer mongolia, so will have some time to work on the FF project, whose time has come..... and will post about its progress later today...but in the meantime here are some photos of the scrumbles that are being combined. I hope to finish the left sleeve today. The back and right sleeve back are completed.

wishing you all a wonderful smile filled day,
Saturday, March 31, 2007 PROMISES, PROMises, promises, etc.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
PROMISES, PROMises, promises, etc.
how many promises have you made that never materialized? WHY?
for me, I admit defeat...I did not meet my POB (plan of being)...I had
intended on taking an inventory of my UFO's...but was sidetracked with
a job interview...conventional...as a financial planner! made it through
the first round. TWO MORE TO GO! I am actually interested.
THE UFO BF...is still UFO and in more ways than I had first seen. He is contemplating therapy. YEAH righhhhhhhht! Therapy, is relationship
HIATUS...UFO territory.
and so are my knitting UFO's...although I am glad to report that in my frustration, I started to work on my freeform jacket that I had intended to finish by my class reuinion in November 2004. I finished one scrumble today...and re-sewed the heels of two socks....they were purchased, NOT KNITTED!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
and hopefully, will at least accomplish another scrumble...before the evening is done. I am almost finished with this project, just a few fill ins are required. perhaps this weekend? Unless utter procrastination takes over.... will it?
wishing you all a wonderful smile filled weekend...it is spring!
posted @ 11:16 AM
PROMISES, PROMises, promises, etc.
how many promises have you made that never materialized? WHY?
for me, I admit defeat...I did not meet my POB (plan of being)...I had
intended on taking an inventory of my UFO's...but was sidetracked with
a job interview...conventional...as a financial planner! made it through
the first round. TWO MORE TO GO! I am actually interested.
THE UFO BF...is still UFO and in more ways than I had first seen. He is contemplating therapy. YEAH righhhhhhhht! Therapy, is relationship
HIATUS...UFO territory.
and so are my knitting UFO's...although I am glad to report that in my frustration, I started to work on my freeform jacket that I had intended to finish by my class reuinion in November 2004. I finished one scrumble today...and re-sewed the heels of two socks....they were purchased, NOT KNITTED!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
and hopefully, will at least accomplish another scrumble...before the evening is done. I am almost finished with this project, just a few fill ins are required. perhaps this weekend? Unless utter procrastination takes over.... will it?
wishing you all a wonderful smile filled weekend...it is spring!
posted @ 11:16 AM
Thursday, March 29, 2007 UFO CURSE is there a cure?
Thursday, March 29, 2007
UFO CURSE is there a cure?
I thought the boyfriend (BF) curse only related to knitted sweaters prior to marriage. Or is that engagement?
....Caution: BF gift scarves can do it too! I did finish that scarf, I wrote about in my October posting...and gave it to THE BF for his birthday, on October 5th, unblocked....hot off the needles.
It still looked good, and it was so incredibly soft. He said, it was nice...but, I could see in his eyes, that he thought a new car was more appropriate or at least a model car.
I took the scarf home to block and because, I am such a big procrastinator...when it comes to blocking...second only to stitching a finished garment and anything else that is boring in life. It never got done. I was busy.
The relationship was going great before that scarf came off my needles. I swear! The first six months were wonderful...........I just know the scarf was to blame....it had to be!
Or do you think it was because I did not block it first, that brought out the boyfriend knitting gift curse?
We broke up three weeks later. I was devastated. Did I block that scarf? Of course not, what was the point? I banished it to the ironing board....maybe I would give it to my brother for Christmas.
Then Thanksgiving came and we started to go out again, we missed each other, could not live without each other.....Did I block that scarf? NO....it sat on the ironing board....waiting for blocking...the final finishing step or was it sitting there to see how the relationship went?
During the six months that followed, our relationship, now consists of breaking up, going out, breaking up, going out.........NO LESS that 5 times. Whilst, I still had mixed feelings about my relationship, why finish that scarf?
Through out, Christmas/Chanukah it sat on that ironing board, we were still getting along...sort of! New Years. January flew by. Valentine's Day past, St Patrick's Day past....and it still sits waiting to be blocked and photographed for this blog....six months later!
Today, while contemplating the futility of THE RELATIONSHIP that seems to go NOWHERE .....and how I detest its limbotic nature...and wondering, why I don't just admit failure and move on to greener pastures and a nice dinner with a handsome stranger, whom I have no history and could possibly be MY WHITE KNIGHT....or at the very least provide pleasant dining company and a laugh or two....
I have decided, our once wonderful relationship has been transformed into a cursed UFO, (Like I need another UFO sitting around in my life! UGGGGGGGGGGH!)......
AND,....for several reasons:
The relationship instructions are vague and incomprehensible for the most part and no clarification is forthcoming from him and I am tired of asking.
I can not fix my mistakes. He does not acknowledge his.
I am too frustrated to finish it (the relationship) off. :-)
I don't think he will ever fit me these days, so why bother working on the relationship.
I am too stressed out at the moment to deal with him or the relationship, I needsomething less complicated to work on.
One or both of us, was never really commitment to the relationship. It was
a fill in.....while waiting for something better to show up.
I am not ready to FROG him out of my life....and move on.....there maystill be possibilities if I let it age for a bit in a dark corner.
Why can't I move on? Why do I continue to live with the UFO's in my life, in my knitting, in my relationships.....Instead of moving on?????
Where do you have them? How many do you have?
When is it time to release that fabulous yarn from a KNITTING UFO...and permit
it to blossom into something better, successful and SOMETHING ELSE....other
than we first dreamed it would be....?
That yarn inspired us at one time. We had a dream of a finished project. What holds
us back. Why can't we let one dream go so we can pursue others?
I wonder, as I type this blog, if I block the scarf, will the boyfriend knitting gift curse be lifted? or will there just be one less UFO in my life? I will let you know....because I am going to block that scarf, before midnight tonight!
My goal this year (and admittedly, I am starting MY YEAR, three months behind most of the free world!) is going to resolve the UFO's in my life....both knitted and otherwise. This is a pattern, that is becoming all too frequent in my life. I feel like I am living on PLANET LIMBO...and something has just got to be done about it.
I am living with far too many UFO's and clutter from my past.....that is just taking up too much space....and too much of my time....and it hinders my progress...
They say clutter is a reflection of the state of your mind. I am wondering are UFO's also a reflection of the state of your mind?
Todays job was: Identifying the problem....UFO INVASION....and a determination to free those numerous tote bags, needles, gadgets, and yarn.....from procrastination and dust....during the next 365 days...
Tomorrow's job: quantify the number of UFO's. I will report and illustrate this dirty little secret. How many UFO's do you have sitting around in your life. Perhaps I will photograph them.
....but first....I think a nice walk is in order....I mean it is spring.....and time
for.....SPRING CLEANING.....out with the old....and in with the NEW!!!
or at least some futile attempt.... before deep procrastination sets in again!!!
smiles to all...........
posted @ 10:55 AM
UFO CURSE is there a cure?
I thought the boyfriend (BF) curse only related to knitted sweaters prior to marriage. Or is that engagement?
....Caution: BF gift scarves can do it too! I did finish that scarf, I wrote about in my October posting...and gave it to THE BF for his birthday, on October 5th, unblocked....hot off the needles.
It still looked good, and it was so incredibly soft. He said, it was nice...but, I could see in his eyes, that he thought a new car was more appropriate or at least a model car.
I took the scarf home to block and because, I am such a big procrastinator...when it comes to blocking...second only to stitching a finished garment and anything else that is boring in life. It never got done. I was busy.
The relationship was going great before that scarf came off my needles. I swear! The first six months were wonderful...........I just know the scarf was to blame....it had to be!
Or do you think it was because I did not block it first, that brought out the boyfriend knitting gift curse?
We broke up three weeks later. I was devastated. Did I block that scarf? Of course not, what was the point? I banished it to the ironing board....maybe I would give it to my brother for Christmas.
Then Thanksgiving came and we started to go out again, we missed each other, could not live without each other.....Did I block that scarf? NO....it sat on the ironing board....waiting for blocking...the final finishing step or was it sitting there to see how the relationship went?
During the six months that followed, our relationship, now consists of breaking up, going out, breaking up, going out.........NO LESS that 5 times. Whilst, I still had mixed feelings about my relationship, why finish that scarf?
Through out, Christmas/Chanukah it sat on that ironing board, we were still getting along...sort of! New Years. January flew by. Valentine's Day past, St Patrick's Day past....and it still sits waiting to be blocked and photographed for this blog....six months later!
Today, while contemplating the futility of THE RELATIONSHIP that seems to go NOWHERE .....and how I detest its limbotic nature...and wondering, why I don't just admit failure and move on to greener pastures and a nice dinner with a handsome stranger, whom I have no history and could possibly be MY WHITE KNIGHT....or at the very least provide pleasant dining company and a laugh or two....
I have decided, our once wonderful relationship has been transformed into a cursed UFO, (Like I need another UFO sitting around in my life! UGGGGGGGGGGH!)......
AND,....for several reasons:
The relationship instructions are vague and incomprehensible for the most part and no clarification is forthcoming from him and I am tired of asking.
I can not fix my mistakes. He does not acknowledge his.
I am too frustrated to finish it (the relationship) off. :-)
I don't think he will ever fit me these days, so why bother working on the relationship.
I am too stressed out at the moment to deal with him or the relationship, I needsomething less complicated to work on.
One or both of us, was never really commitment to the relationship. It was
a fill in.....while waiting for something better to show up.
I am not ready to FROG him out of my life....and move on.....there maystill be possibilities if I let it age for a bit in a dark corner.
Why can't I move on? Why do I continue to live with the UFO's in my life, in my knitting, in my relationships.....Instead of moving on?????
Where do you have them? How many do you have?
When is it time to release that fabulous yarn from a KNITTING UFO...and permit
it to blossom into something better, successful and SOMETHING ELSE....other
than we first dreamed it would be....?
That yarn inspired us at one time. We had a dream of a finished project. What holds
us back. Why can't we let one dream go so we can pursue others?
I wonder, as I type this blog, if I block the scarf, will the boyfriend knitting gift curse be lifted? or will there just be one less UFO in my life? I will let you know....because I am going to block that scarf, before midnight tonight!
My goal this year (and admittedly, I am starting MY YEAR, three months behind most of the free world!) is going to resolve the UFO's in my life....both knitted and otherwise. This is a pattern, that is becoming all too frequent in my life. I feel like I am living on PLANET LIMBO...and something has just got to be done about it.
I am living with far too many UFO's and clutter from my past.....that is just taking up too much space....and too much of my time....and it hinders my progress...
They say clutter is a reflection of the state of your mind. I am wondering are UFO's also a reflection of the state of your mind?
Todays job was: Identifying the problem....UFO INVASION....and a determination to free those numerous tote bags, needles, gadgets, and yarn.....from procrastination and dust....during the next 365 days...
Tomorrow's job: quantify the number of UFO's. I will report and illustrate this dirty little secret. How many UFO's do you have sitting around in your life. Perhaps I will photograph them.
....but first....I think a nice walk is in order....I mean it is spring.....and time
for.....SPRING CLEANING.....out with the old....and in with the NEW!!!
or at least some futile attempt.... before deep procrastination sets in again!!!
smiles to all...........
posted @ 10:55 AM
Friday, October 06, 2006
Friday, October 06, 2006
rainy day.....
falling leaves ...nature's last array of color....today damp and rainy....as the
days grow shorter and shorter.....where to find inspiration before the desire
to hibernate arrives.....
i am working on a man's scarf in periwinkle blue wool / cashmere blend that i have designed....birthday gift......i will post the pattern and photo, when it is completed. it is already a day late....and still needs to be blocked and wrapped....
and another gift due before the end of next week....not sure what it will be yet...searching for inspiration as i type this first entry.....some sort of stole...
this friend likes glamour.....
happy trails..........
posted @ 11:38 AM
rainy day.....
falling leaves ...nature's last array of color....today damp and rainy....as the
days grow shorter and shorter.....where to find inspiration before the desire
to hibernate arrives.....
i am working on a man's scarf in periwinkle blue wool / cashmere blend that i have designed....birthday gift......i will post the pattern and photo, when it is completed. it is already a day late....and still needs to be blocked and wrapped....
and another gift due before the end of next week....not sure what it will be yet...searching for inspiration as i type this first entry.....some sort of stole...
this friend likes glamour.....
happy trails..........
posted @ 11:38 AM
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