* 2 knitting susan bates "knit cheks" - for measuring stitch and needle gauge. good news- I've been looking for them all year. bad news - no excuse for not doing a gauge swatch.
* tape measure - good news- I needed one. bad news - no excuse not to take my body measurements.
* 6" ruler received from http://www.gotyarn.com/ . good news- it is nice to have. bad news -I am thinking about all the great yarns they sell on that site...and I am on a YARN DIET this year and doing well thank you..........at least I was....LOL!!!
* set of blue aluminum straight knitting needles......good news- I was looking for them. bad news- they are free to start a new project when I should be finishing up my UFO's
* 3 sets of double pointed needles in sizes 3, 4 and 5. good news- I do not have alzheimer's...I knew they were in this house somewhere. bad news- I found 1 dp plastic size 3 and 2 size 2 dps that are missing their mates.
*1 small scissors which is already being put to good use, no downside.
Here is the guilty list of UFO's uncovered:
1 shawl or poncho in fun fur and ribbon. Not sure this deserves to be finished. Possible FROG. (2005)
1 baby sweater, designed by me out of my handspun yarn and a partially finished baby hat. I was able to locate more of the yarn that was needed to finish this, so I will do it, soon. (2005)
1 partially made white summer cotton sweater, second sweater to proof the pattern I wrote. Must have gotten side tracked, because it is nice. I like the finished sweater and wore it several times this year and got compliments. (2005)
1 partially finished sock, in noro silk garden. First sock. I guess I got tired of making socks...right before everyone else seems to have decided to knit them like crazy. (2002)
1 lilac cardigan out of patons grace from the spring vogue of 2004. back done and one side.
1 berger du nord mohair sweater. this is the worst calamity of them all. I think this originates back to the early 90's. I knit the back, the sleeves and almost finished the front when I discovered that I had missed the first and last row of the graph on the back and sleeves and not the front. I quit, because I could not decide what pieces to FROG!!! UGGGGGGGGHHH!!! This sweater is knit on number three needles. I am going to put this one at the top of the heap.
This is the case of a sweater turning UFO, because of perfectionism, when the truth is it looks perfectly fine with those two rows missing and easy to rip out the front and finish it off.
That is 6 items found in one closet....ONE CLOSET!!! I was disgusted.
In my bedroom basket there are 10 projects waiting for completion:
- free-form jacket. almost complete and then assembly. (2002)
- nicky epstein 3 bobble sweater. all bobbles done, with the front started. (2007)
- the green softball sweater that I designed with blue heron yarn. One sleeve to complete. bottom peplim to finish designing. write up instructions and block. (2007)
- red scarf, free form from several different red yarns. (2007)
- nicky epstein anniversary flower scarf. 23 flowers finished. binder complete. finishing up remaining flowers hopefully today and to be sewn and blocked. (2007)
- v- neck tank from knitters spring 2005. front is half finished. back complete. (2007)
- white crocheted cardigan. shell pattern. fronts and back done. sleeves to be finished.(2007)
- blue crochet bikini - cups finished. bottom is 3/4 finished. started in 2006.
- blue shawl with various blue novelty yarns. (2006)
- red, fushia and orange side to side cardigan, my own design. front and back finished. one more front to do and sleeves. I have no idea why I stopped this project. ( 2001)
This brings the grand total bedroom UFO's to 16 projects. I freaked. Then I got depressed. NOW, I am knitting like a fiend. I plan to finish the bedroom floor items first. NO NEW PROJECTS FOR ME, until these items are finished or frogged and patterns written up.
I know that I have a few more UFO's lying around this house in other closets. I am not looking until I finish what I have. This is an exercise, that I have been putting off and made me realize,that I have not completed many projects this year, because I start and do not finish. I am wondering now, if this is an analogy to other areas of my life. I will be thinking this through as I SIT DOWN AND KNIT....because, I am going to make every reasonable effort to finish up what I have started.
I realized that this year, I finished 4 scarves, 3 soap socks and only one sweater and one tank but, I started 13 projects in total. I think my new policy will be that I will only ever have three projects going at once, in the future. The more unfinished projects you have going, the less likely you are to finish any of them.
Maybe I should stick to buying just one ball of yarn and knit swatches. At least I would finish them. Are dishcloths in my future? soapsocks? scarves? hats? Is this the reason for the popularity of these items?
Use an over the door shoe bag for organizing all your knitting needles and gadgets in one handy place. I bought mine at a dollar store. Nothing fancy. It has 20 pockets. I labeled one pocket for each of my needle sizes 0-19. The remaining pockets store my gadgets. I can always find my needles and gadgets fast, this way.

My inspiration for today is this stella mc cartney coat dress designed for neiman marcus's 100th anniversary and listed as a must have! It looks like an easy to knit item as it is entirely garter stitch on very bulky needles.
The dress description is : "Gray mélange.• Stand collar.• Elbow sleeves. • Button front.• Gathered skirt.• 80% fleece wool, 20% cashmere.• Dry clean only.• Made in Italy." and it retails for $1295.oo.
If you click on the dress description link above you can see other views of this coat dress. I love it...and would love to knit one up for myself.... but...I am focused and trying to remain focused on completing my UFO's before beginning another new project....still a girl can dream...can't she????
wishing you all a pleasant knit filled evening,
smiles to you,
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