"There is an error in the RS/WS instructions, beginning with Chart B on the Back. The corrections are copied below:
#17 Lace Wrap Cardigan
photo on pg 79, instrux beg on pg 113
Beg chart A
…K 3 rows, ending with a WS row.
Armhole Shaping
…K 3 rows, ending with a WS row.
Beg chart C
Delete P 1 row, beg with Row 1 of Chart C.
Beg chart B
Row 1 (RS) P1 (1, 1, 0), work 5-st rep 6 (6, 7, 7, 8) times, end p1 (1, 0, 0, 0)……
The symbol in Chart C is not a double decrease but a single decrease, as the sl st
goes over the 2 knit sts, and these 2 sts are not a k2tog. ----Lisa B"
OOOPS.....and big double OOOPSSSSSSSSS...
I stand corrected. While that symbol looks like a k3 together symbol........IT IS NOT! When I went back to look at it and carefully read it, IT DID SAY, Knit 2.....NOT KNIT TWO TOGETHER.
I am blaming it all on the banking crisis....and the fact my 2007 tax return is due tomorrow and I have not started to fill out the form! I ran out of extension time! LOL!!! I do this every year...my inner child does not like to do taxes....and there is just no reasoning with her.
1. The right front says use patterns D, B and E. The photo shows Patterns D, A and E were used.
2. The armhole decreases for the fronts....and the back are different. Is this intentional or an error?
For the small size, I did 7 additional decreases to end up with the 12 stitches. 8 times would give me 11 stitches.
And another piece of good news out of all this mess.......is that I do like the lace pattern created with my corrected Chart C as described in the October 13th post.......I think I will use it to design a scarf or sweater. It really looks great blocked. very interesting. I wonder if I created a new stitch pattern....is that possible? Or does this have a name?
Here are my further modifications for the sleeves. I just do not like them as they are shown in the photo....so I am using these patterns. For the right sleeve, I am using Chart A first, then C, which I do not have a photo...because I did not read the chart properly, and panicked prematurely. Did I mention that I hate knitting charts? LOL!
and then possibly Chart B.
For the left sleeve, either Chart D or C, then E, A. It differs slightly from their photo. I just think pattern stitch E is too solid next to pattern stitch D. I do not like the look.
I am determined to finish this sweater, for some reason unbeknowst to me....even though it is a prime candidate for the UFO heap! Wish me luck. Only the left front is dry, the other two parts are still damp. I am sure the armholes are way to deep on the fronts and are going to require frogging. And I am definitely going to frog My Chart C and Do Chart C correctly, now that Lisa, was kind enough to point out my inability to read knitting charts correctly.
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