First, this is how the correct Chart C pattern looks when knit properly. It is nice.
This is a photo of my right sleeve after
blocking. I used Charts A, C and B.
I used Charts E, D and A for the left
sleeve below......
sorry about the photos...
they reflect my mood,

Here is the left sleeve blocking in all its mistaken glory!
Uggggh....there is a mistake in this sleeve, that I just noticed while blocking it........
DO you see it? The Line in thelower third of Chart D of the sleeve...which, is most of the knitting that I did on the sleeve TODAYYYYYYY!
This sweater is my nemesis, it has a life of its own........it hates me, it is torturing me.....LOL! I actually looked at it...for 10 minutes, then got a glass of scotch...I figured I needed something extra strong to take this in...hoping that a couple of sips, might make it look better. It did not work.
This means the Lace Cardigan from Hell, is going to have to be ripped back and instead of doing ebay this evening, I intend on finishing this sleeve, if I have to stay up all night to finish this up. UGGGGGGGH!
Here's hoping your knitting went better than mine this weekend,
Smiles to you,
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