Two huge limbs literally were almost sliced off my Bradford Pear tree. Ugggh! I turned around and went back for another bolt of Java.
and decided, that it was best to walk the dogs in the front yard. I had things to do...and just could not face the mess in the backyard.
And that was just the beginning. I want to say here, the coffee was one of the highlights of my day.

I turned it off and on, but, no help. I am freaking. go to call the broker, and NO PHONE either...LOL! It is 3:30p and the market is closing....and I WANT OUT OF MY POSITION BEFORE it is closed.
I finally get a broker on the phone that wants to lecture me......while he does the stock plummets 35 cents.......yes, out of the profit, I sell and wake up this morning...to find the stock opened at ...15.50 about $2. 35 higher than what I sold at......Was fate trying to tell me something ....?
With the tree, I knew what to do.....go out the front door....and forget about it, enjoy the morning...with the stock I forced the issue........and lost out big time......$2, 350. to be exact.
Money I could have used....big time! Lessons surround us every day...if we learn to accept ....as opposed to forcing our will over our world.
In any case, next was comcast.........to reset the cable modem.......move the table to stand on a chair.........and what is there? A DEAD BABY MOUSEY!....too frazzled by that time to scream..and hey who was gonna hear me........the cable tech guy in DELAWARE...LOL! Grabbed the pooper scooper...great tip....and got rid of the mouse....
fixed phone and internet. It is now 5:30p, should be in the shower getting ready for the knitting guild meeting........outside, trying to figure out how to make a pathway through the giant limbs for the dogs and I to walk in the back yard....till 7:30P. No guild meeting....worked on the nemisis, left sleeve..........half way done after frogging the entire sleeve. Have the fronts and backs sewed together and the right sleeve is sewn together. I am nearing completion of this
Lace Cardigan from HELL! Hopefully, by tonight....it will be off the needles and awaiting finishing touches.
I am thinking of using a crochet lace border for the front edges and bottom edges. I am also seriously contemplating using satin ribbon.......for the ties. I do not like the I-cord ties....just not pretty enough for the sweater. If I finish the sleeve this evening. I will post the photos in a separate blog post.
Anyway, my day today was much better, made a nice profit in the market, and knit when I grew tense. Now just have to figure what to do with the mess outside.......
Here is a great Xmas gift to buy for family and friends......I found this today when I was shopping around. What a fabulous idea.....with the high cost of razor blades today......
wishing you a fabulously warm evening.......filled with the clicking sound of your needles.....
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