I could not resist, casting on for the Lace Wrap Cardigan from the new Vogue Knitting Magazine, Holiday 2008, #17 Lace Wrap Cardigan by Teva Durham.
The photo is of the back in progress. It is now finished. Not without problems.
First I made a mistake, which is NOW A MODIFICATION, because I like it better. I have only one garter rib between pattern changes instead of the two ribs.
Between Chart A and B: the pattern says end at row 11 of Chart A, then K 3 rows. I ended with row 12 and knit 2 rows, then started with row 2 of Chart B as instructed.
Because of the error above, when I got to the transition between Chart B and C, I also knit 2 rows instead of the three required. I like the one garter rib instead of the two shown in the pattern.
The Chart C in the magazine appears to be wrong, there is an error. If you follow it you will get a triangle instead of the correct back shaping. It also does not look like the photo which, is a cable pattern instead of a lace pattern.
Here is my fix, that I used to keep from decreasing the stitches....and it gives you a nice lace pattern:
It should be row 2: YO, k, YO, k3
and Row 4 should be: K3, YO, k, YO.
I still have not heard back from vogue as to what the correct chart should read. I am the first doing this pattern on ravelry so there is no other place to find this errata at the present time. I did post to ravelry in the editors notes.
Or it is possible that the Chart symbols are not correct. If you want the cable pattern, then you could do this:
Row 1: 3 stitch cable ( put one stitch on cable needle hold to front, knit 2, then knit the stitch off cable holder repeat around
Rows 2-4 knit the knits and purl the purls.
Repeat for pattern.
I have not tried this, but my guess is this was the designers intention looking at the photo. LOL!
I finished the back and started the left front and used my chart C. Sorry no photo yet. I see that the pattern ALSO, differs from the photo for both the left front and the right front. Does anyone edit these patterns? Of course, the back is not shown, or I might have used my second choice for correcting Chart C. LOL!
This is the first Teva Durham pattern I am knitting and so far, way too many errors for my liking. Not sure if this is the norm with her patterns, is it????? When I use a pattern, I do not want to think so hard....otherwise, I would design my own sweater.
Anyway, I knit the left front like the pattern, which instructs you to use the same patterns as you used on the back, which includes my first corrected Chart C. However the photo shows the last pattern on the left front is from a Chart that is NOT INCLUDED IN THE MAGAZINE!!!! LOL! It is also used on both sleeves. Have not decided on how to handle this.
Their Chart C, does not include anything replicating a Cable pattern, it has a K3 together decrease on Rows 1 and 3....NOT EVEN CLOSE VOGUE MAGAZINE! ....not even close to the photo.
You might remember that this is the same issue from the other lace cardigan I started in 2004 which rendered it to my UFO pile....and I am just resurrecting. sleeves are almost done. Painful to follow the chart with the cap decreases. ......both cardigans instructions and photos differ!!!
Finished the left side yesterday and cast on the right front. Here I am having problems and have frogged twice already because no row counts are given for the sections.
So here goes, to match the left front, I used 36 rows or 9 pattern repeats of Chart D. It worked. If you measure like I did, plan on frogging....your stitch count after the armhole decrease will not be correct.
Then the pattern tells you the next section should be Chart B...but the photograph uses Chart A.
I am using Chart A. So after the 2nd frog to rip out the bottom...I am close to the armhole bind off. Yippee! Hopefully my stitch count will now work. What a mess.
The worst part, is this is a fast knit. I started friday afternoon about 3pm and went out that evening. I would be done the right front if the directions were better and possibly done one sleeve.
I am using cynthia helene superwash merino, which is very nice yarn. I am happy with it as a replacement yarn. gauge is good.
Lesson learned, let someone else knit the patterns first and find their corrections on ravelry. I have no idea what a mess that debbie bliss cable jacket, silver belle would have been without the help I got from ravelry.
Want to finish this, so I am going back to knitting....and figuring out the pattern as I go along. Just hope it fits after all this. I think this pattern runs small, so consider that also if you decide to knit it.
Wishing you a great fall day,
Smiles to you,
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