Friday, October 26, 2007
just have to say this............
the time it took me to file this last just sacrosanct....simply that!!!!
I am a NEIMAN MARCUS girl....

and always will be, even if these days it is only at heart. This is a caricature of me that was done by a famous political my home.
I love neimans...or NEEDLESS MARKUP...and always have. I think it was the only benefit I can recall of my so-called marriage....that lasted 12 years. I miss the couture salon. I miss having the money to buy new Chanel suits. Talk about artwork...those suits are worth every penny and then some. ...and own a place far and above other couture.
I am now consigned to their discount store called LAST CALL and only on special occasions. Divorce brings inevitable status changes. But I can still oogle their wares online....for me, they always have the most stunning clothes and accessories...and the photos bring inspiration.
I have always been into fashion. Not for its status...but, for its beautiful simplicity. I grew up sewing the clothes, that I could only one day dream of affording. I grew up at the tail end of the hippie rage...coffeehouses, pot,dragging torn embroidered bell bottoms, james taylor, linda ronstadt, joni...oh i still love you, mitchell,.....james brown...and then I went to college...and DISCO FEVER hit...and I sewed Chloe, yves st laurent, geoffry beene (jumpsuits remember them?),anne klein, etc. to be whirled and twirled in. John Travolta, Patrick Swayze...
I pray to the couture gods...which inspire us, in ways we don't realize....even when we are not privileged to attend their runway shows...and better yet can afford to buy their wares. I loved that movie "The Devil Wears Prada" It is so true, their remark about THE trickle down effect several years later....because eventually all of us wear the effects of couture...even when your budget is kohls, target, walmart...etc.
So again today....I am supplying you with inspiration from the COUTURE GODS....those that create...and get picked up by the likes of these things provide a starting point to creativity ....that YOU CAN HAVE....even without a Couture level purse.....if you have the skills to create....and if you knit, crochet or can make things that will be even better...check this inspiration out. AND, employ your god given INGENUITY....instead of oogling...or resenting those that CAN BUY it. YOURS WILL BE BETTER...because, you made it yourself....Imperfections are what beauty and style is about!!!!!!

This wonderful...mink and cashmere. could be done with fun fur and felting..... take a look at it...just fringes and welting....and rosettes..... make a base scarf..alternating fun fur and wool...and add the rosettes.........How do you make rosettes?
either knit or crochet in a straight row.....and then take the end....and wind in a spiral....tack with sewing thread and you have a flower...or a rosette. so what it is not is fun fur and wool.

this next photo...garter stitch a triangular shawl...add lace...
either crocheted lace...or knitted lace....or store bought lace...or take a piece of wool that you buy at a store...and sew lace onto it...or add your own lace that you knit or crochet.

Cast on a number of stitches....based on gauge of the yarns selected
.....knit...and then next row in a ribbon yarn...k2 together...either every so many rows...or k2 together...every other get the runch effect.
and you will have this look. how easy is this look....cast on a large number of stitches, knit or crochet... and alternate with a row of ...knit two together with one of those fabulous tape or ribbon yarns...and you have this look
I see this stole done with mohair and nylon ribbon....perfect for halloween...your shroud stole!!!!!

Look at this pattern...fair isle phanatics....this is for you..graph it up...
intarsia knitting or crochet...graph up a pattern....and make it into a shawl...perfect for the cooler fall it not?
cost per neiman's $1300, it is worth your time and it!
wishing you a fabulous fun weekend,
smiles to you,
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
My Ducks are NOT in a ROW - P.S.
I am seriously techno deficient. Ask me anything about knitting...I can answer. Ask me anything about crochet....I can answer. Most fiber related questions I am good at....but, is just one straight PUNT....and I took a 5 day course on computers at the local community college.
Is it me?????....or has technology just, gotten more complicated...instead of easier? Why can't I remember all this stuff....passwords, user names...etc. Is there a name for that syndrome?....why isn't there? is millicent knocking....let her in....automatic. Like my burgular house car key. I blame this all on those sites....that make you change your password when, you forget it and make you type in all those weird shaped numbers and letters....
Hello.....I am going to forget it again....BECAUSE.....eventually you have too many passwords....and too many user names....and have typed in too many confirmations, to prove YOU ARE NOT A SPAMMER!
I am having a mid life crisis...and the not helping!!!! I need to be defragmented....NOT MY COMPUTER!
On the happy front.....I did find the group that I set up at ravelry....and I have members to my bucks county group....YIPPEEE!!!
I just love fiber people.....they are sooooooooo cool!!!!!! I am going to go try's hoping, the CYBERFORCES will be with me...because I need a banner for the group...and I just do not know if I am up to the challenge.
Sorry, I just needed to WRITING!!!! If I can't tell my one will know...that is, if anyone can find it.... :-)
Smiles to you,
My Ducks are Still NOT in a Row.....
I got my invite to RAVELRY...and I got to work, setting up. Of course, I did not read ALL,the instructions like a good little girl....I just wanted to get started. I was making real progress....and THENNNNNNNNNN....
The site went down for maintenance....of course, I did not know that....I am NO TECHNO WHIZ....It just would not work....I kept running through the steps...I was wired from the caffeine and nacho I began to retrace my cyber steps...
All this happened.....just as I set up a group for Bucks County Fiber enthusiasts because, I could not find one and have not been able to find one.....close by, not held in a LYS....
I have sworn off stash enhancement for two years(I DO NOT TURN DOWN GIFTS OR DONATIONS. I have not gone completely, DAFT! :-)....The LYS is not the place for me...I do not need a 12-step program to tell me this. I have no willpower when it comes to yarn.
So, I began doing a few other things.....and checking back. I wasted another hour or so... before getting the novel idea to read the site's directions....and while reading them....I realized:
YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO START A GROUP without ....FIRST finding three members to join you, in said GROUP.....OOOPS....not even 24 hours later, I am in violation of their RULES.....
....after waiting months for my less than 24 hours, I had probably, been BONGED from the site for not following the rules....banished forever and without notice.......
I moved on to my next, TRY to do...Let's try the facebook site, which has been mentioned so frequently in the news.....and find out what is going on there.
I never did go to bed that morning..........
I signed up on facebook, success... I started perusing the fiber groups to join....and noticed there was NO, free form knitting and crochet group....and I decided to set one up.
Did I really make that decision? Hadn't that been where I blew it on Ravelry? In my defense, please recall....I had been eating that nacho cheese without any nutritional value....and was a little wound up from all that caffeine...and NO SLEEP.
I am not kidding.....I actually, tried and tried to upload a photo there....and it was just plain hopeless. Same scenario, different explanation notice....Just plain ole....we don't want YOUR photos....we don't want YOUR group....and we are not going to tell YOU why! I felt like a cyber outcast....
And, just about then, a delayed notice came up....Ravelry is down for maintenance...they did not bong me...they like me...they were just busy :-).
I HOPE..........
I have not had the guts to go back on that site to see if some kind souls...joined my group....and covered my butt...ipso facto....
And, the truth be known...I am glad they allowed me to join....but, Honestly, I think I am going to need to wait for the book...RAVELRY for dummies....because...well....I am not good with all those rules. I am looking to simplify my life....not make it more difficult.
I decided to take some time off from Millicent(my computer) and the net...
I am not strong enough....
I got some well deserved rest......and DID a little in DO something....rather than, think about it, talk about it, write about it, read about it....JUST DO IT. I have been more successful and made some progress in the march toward finishing up....those UFO's in my HIDDEN TORMENT!
Knitting I can do. I can take some yarn....cast on....and make may not be perfect....but, it is mine.... but...binding off...finishing off....I am have difficulty with these days....and it has manifested itself in so many areas in my life.
Blogging is good, net socializing is good....perhaps, it teaches us things we would not know, otherwise....
But, so is binding off...and finishing off. Perhaps, the net has produced all these UFO's....something to think about. What aren't you getting done....because you are talking and typing about it instead?
I need to do more binding and finishing off in my life and a lot sooner. It is the only way, I am ever going to get my ducks in a row and my life back in order. How about you?
Wishing you all a wonderful evening...
Smiles to YOU,
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Get your Knitting Ducks in a Row..........
This has been a tough past week/ I am up smoking, drinking red wine and NOT HAVING SEX! Problem one!!!!
Problem two: I have a female woodpecker who has decided that my wood siding is tasty! Not the next door neighbor's house, not all the lovely trees in my yard or behind my yard....she likes my house. I have spent the week, dragging my butt down to the kitchen for coffee.....pushing the button and running outside to chase that WOODPECKER off my house! Give me a what am I supposed to do about that dear cosmos?
I told UFO boyfriend....he confirmed it, when he looked at all the holes in my siding and, said, " YOU... have a problem!" .....and I am thinking.....that makes two PECKER PROBLEMS!!!! What happened to male gallantry....? does it still exist?
Problem three: I fell off the UFO wagon...and have finished one UFO and created two in the month of October.... I am now thinking, whatever is left at the end of this year....might just get FROGGED....and I start over with a clean slate.....and no past pressure.
Problem four: More disillusionment....first the dunkin donuts episodes and Now this about TWINKIES ....
"Although eight of the ingredients in the beloved little snack cake come from domestic corn and three from soybeans, there are others — including thiamine mononitrate — that come from petroleum. Chinese petroleum. Chinese refineries and Chinese factories. And there are other unexpected ingredients that are much harder to trace. So much for the great "All-American" snack food..... Now that the tainted pet food scandal has made us more aware that many additives come from overseas, and China in particular....How can you have quality control when you don't even know where the ingredient is coming from? "
I especially like that concept, UNEXPECTED INGREDIENTS!!! LOL!!! The good news is I was never a real fan of Twinkies.......and I am not likely to become one now....but, hey, why require manufacturer's to list ingredients....and NOT require them to use words that we NON-CHEMISTS understand....?
I could be wrong but if the label of any food I bought said...PETROLEUM or PETROLEUM BY-PRODUCTS...I might do a little research before I stick it into my digestive system, especially if it is NOT Calorie FREE! UGGH!...if you can not trust a Twinkie to be makes you wonder....what is in a cheeto....your tortillo chips, my beloved jalapeno kettle chips, twizzlers licorice, peanut butter tandy cakes.......and the list goes on.......while I am here at my typewriter munching down some salsa and chips.......LOL!
Which by the way, the nacho cheese label did notify me that " This is not a source of dietary fiber or nutrition"...LOL!!! Thank you....I was a little conflicted there, but now, I AM SURE....this is NOT HEALTHY Eating.........
Problem five: I would feel better if I had a cup of coffee and a donut....but, I just do not feel like taking a trip to find that THE MAN who is supposed to be making donuts, is sleeping while I am NOT! Sorry, No donuts today, MISS!
Problem six: I got absolutely nothing constructive done today, except....walking outside,chasing THE woodpecker, talking to a friend about her UFO boyfriend for 4 hours.....and casting on another project.....drinking, smoking and eating a dove bar.....did I say, eating, drinking, smoking, much for getting my ducks in a row........
Problem seven: I finally got my ravelry invite the other day....I signed on and I ask you why.........???? It is JUST more forms to fill out. They provide you a place to list out your stash........and I personally am not sure that they have enough server space for a list with photos of MY STASH......and where will I ever get the time to do that....and Not to mention my UFO production...LOL!!!! I think they will be fine with the addition of my Finished projects...NADA...because, let's face attention span these about two minutes...... I think I need to TWITTER!!!
If you twitter...Please feel free to join my friends list.....and if you don't twitter, START....and join my friends list.........
Problem eight: I went downstairs to zap the congealing Nacho cheese....I looked at the clock...and IT SAID 4:30 AM....which means, it is morning and I am at my desk eating nachos with extra hot homemade salsa and drinking red wine....IN THE MORNING!!!! Which I promptly resolved by finishing the wine and putting the glass in the sink...........the bad news is, I do not think that coffee really works with you?
Problem nine: The wonderful chipper that I finally purchased on has not been shipped, because it is on back order! They decided to inform me of this fact 11 days after I placed the order...and 8 days after they said it was going to be shipped. NICE! Just another problem I thought WAS resolved...and IS NOT! Thank you harbor freight........
Problem ten: I am trying to get my proverbial ducks in a row.........but, cosmos please send me something other than a hamster work with....because I have to get out of this spinning my wheels rut...I am in....and I could do with a WEE bit of luck to help out!
I think I am going to go down to the war room and try to find the box that contains my copy of 7 habits of highly effective people...because I DO NEED TO READ IT! It is now 5:30 am and I am going to attempt to get some sleep....before the phone starts ringing...
I am standing in quick sand, this week...I feel it!
Wishing you all a productive day.......
Smiles to you,
Friday, October 19, 2007
New Free Form Crochet Book .....
This book was written by someone in my international freeform crochet group. Her work is wonderful and
I suspect this book will be just as fabulous. You can preorder your book at amazon now. I just did.
Just had to let you know.......
Smiles to you,
Friday Fiber Musings.........etc.

I have no other fiber progress stories to relate. The UFO's are languishing....and languishing.
Knitting daily is discussing the sad state of affairs of UFO-dom these days. I have enjoyed reading their posts this week.....their first UFO Poll yielded a total of 65,000 UFO's languishing in various states of completion, which they stated is equal to about 7 UFO/ polled participant and represents 130,000 knitting needles! LOL!
My partial list is contained in an earlier post and way above that average. I guess it is time to confess...I need a UFO 12 step program, desperately.
Should I be more selective in the projects I select? Should I hire someone to finish what I start? I have been knitting since I am four years old, and must admit, I do not like finishing and never did. The sewing together is just not my thing, it is tedious...or the kind of tedium I do not enjoy.
Is this a function of being too curious or possessing a brain that functions for 20 hands, instead of two? Or is there something to be gained from arriving at the destination or am I just a swatcher at heart?
Knitting daily is doing a new poll on why UFO's become UFO's. The results on monday. I am interested to
find out the results on this one, because I believe that it is the symptom of an as yet undiagnosed problem of
mine.....and messes like my UFO mess usually are.
I am working on my store, but have not made much progress, only one item up for sale to start. I find technology sooooooo tedious, and so at odds with fiber pursuits which are soft and comforting and having the feeling that this is going to become one other UFO in my life.
I just set up a yahoo group for women 40+ that are divorced and want to chat about their new lifestyle/status, rants, raves and foibles. I did a search on yahoo and could not find one, which surprised I probably just failed in my search.
It will be interesting to see if I get any members, just through word of mouth. Here is the link if anyone reading my blog is interested in joining or knows of anyone that would like to join this is the subscription addy
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Another Finished OBJECT.........
I finished my 2006 tax return yesterday afternoon and put it in the mail........YIPPEEEEE! I do this every year, it seems, I file the extension and then from April 15th to October 15th, I do everything and anything but file that return. I would rather mop floors, sew buttons, make mudpies...anything but, that return! I spend the entire 5 days prior to October 15th, sitting at my desk, trying to get my inner child under control, to no avail....It is in full revolt!
I HATE TAX RETURNS...they are an exercise in obtuse thinking...and all I think of when I do them is when do we get to meet the mind behind these ridiculous about disorganized chaos....give me a break.
The good news is during that week, I always get the most ridiculous chores done in my my procrastination tax return dance. This year, I unpacked several boxes of books, organized two garage shelves, cleaned the floor under the shelves...and threw out lots of trash. I need to have a garage sale....or venture
onto to ebay or some such site...and DIVEST! I am such a pack rat. It is depressing.
I did find two boxes of knitting books...that I had been searching for in this mausoleum. I had been looking for my copy of the the the knitters stash
I washed three down comforters....nightmare job....and broke my left big toe trying to put one of them back into its duvet cover....I got tangled in the king sized cover....don't ask....HOUSEWORK IS A DANGEROUS profession. Last time I broke my right big toe, opening my freezer....when a large 10 lb roast beef fell and crushed my toe. Who knew...and when I got to the emergency ward and had to explain, I learned that most
people break toes during thanksgiving, when they drop a turkey on their foot! LOL! So be forewarned turkey
season is coming soon!
Today, I even sewed on the buttons that fell off of my comforter....5+ years ago! Organized bank statements from the last two years! But, still did not write up my knitting patterns still sitting in a pile of notes on my desk......I just hate paperwork, these days....
I did make this great cantaloupe chutney, I took 3 cantaloupes and chopped them up. added some water 1/4 c, lemon juice 1/4 c and a cup of sugar and let it cook down over low heat. You can stop here and you will have cantaloupe jam, which is delicious. But, I added two slices of red onion, chopped, some dried chile peppers I had, 3....and a shake of cinnamon, nutmeg , garlic and chili powder. YUMMMMMM! It tastes great with any kind of roast...pork, turkey, chicken or beef. Try it.
I am working on a concept bag that I have had in my mind, inspired by the Nicky Epstein Flower Scarf, which I sadly must report is finished except for assembly. Hopefully this week. The bag is going to be made of crocheted free form paisleys each done in various shades of gray. Many of the yarns I selected are natural colored gray hand spun yarn. I am happy with how the paisleys are turning out and I finally have a basic shape of the bag worked out in my mind. I think I am going to use an old cast off belt for the handles if I can figure out how to do that and find those old belts I came across recently.
I found a site that will give you a free store, so I have begun, to set up my store. I know nothing about internet merchandising, so I decided to try the free place first and see how it goes before investing in a more professional set up. There seem to be so many stores, it is hard to believe that most of them make any money. If you have any tips for me, I would be grateful. I will be listing some of my hand spun yarn on the site and some jewelry and finished garments. I will post a link to the shop, when it is ready for an unveiling. Stay tuned...
I found this great quote:
It is good to dream, but it is better to dream and work
Faith is mighty, but action with faith is mightier.
Desiring is helpful, but work and desire are invincible.
--Thomas Robert Gaines
....and speaking of on the above work of beautiful crochet work and a great essay
on knitting vs. Tanis Gray, Yarn Coordinator, Soho Publishing. Well done Tanis!
This is where my focus will be for the end of this year, to work at what I have dreamt....and to complete as many of my unfinished objects as I can.
Wishing you a fabulous day,
smiles to you,
Friday, October 12, 2007
Knitting Tools and other mishaps this Week!
Well I hit a small glitch this weekend....and not at one Dunkin Donuts establishment....but TWO....and IN Two Different States....and will admit I am still recovering from my disillusionment and looking for a replacement indulgence....and I like a good box of donuts...and krispy kremes do not do it for me!!!
I went for a donut and coffee with a Burlington, NJ, near this fabulous crab restaurant....for dessert. We hit the drive up window...and I am thinking this is pretty kewl, drive by donuts....only to have my hopes dashed. I ordered one plain and one chocolate iced cruller....lots of air, seems to give the belief to moi that there are less calories.........but, I digress. So here comes my bag of donuts....I slowly open my bag....the plain cruller is looking a wee bit small........and I reach in...and it is hot....IT HAS BEEN MICROWAVED...........
Microwaved donuts are a sacriledge! Not to mention it was stale. Okay, next...and the chocolate donut, not stale was not a cruller! I admit to have been desperate enough to chomp them down........but, it just didn't do it for me. But, I was myself....that little guy from the commercials is either on early retirement or he is having as difficult a time focusing on his work these days as myself!
So the following day, I take a cruise up to the outlets in Reading, I scored a mighty fine Dooney & Bourke bumpy leather, huge with pockets that can be used as a fancy knitting bag....... and we had dinner and then on the way back....stopped for some coffee at another DUNKIN DONUTS.....and this place...
had NO DONUTS.....A Dunkin Donuts........WITHOUT DONUTS. The owner said, we have some great muffins...and bagels. I said, Hey....what is going on with Dunkin's....and no donuts, stale donuts? I said, that sign did not say, MARVIN'S MUFFINS or BESSIE'S BAGELS!!!!
I don't know about you guys, but when the sign says donuts, I expect DONUTS.....and when it says DUNKIN DONUTS.... I expect FRESH donuts.....Has the universe gone mad??????
I had a mission....I went to their website and read I wrote to MR. Jon Luther, the Chairman and CEO, who came from POPEYE's Fried chicken....and I got an email asking me to call them. I did. They wanted details. My aunt was sure they would offer me coupons for free donuts...or something........but NOOOOOO!NADA!!! Not even an explanation for why anyone would even consider MICROWAVING A DONUT....they did thank me for my trouble.
That was my weekend...
and then sunday, Lewis Hamilton did not get a penalty....we knew it! That FIA is something else this year. They did however, take away Vettel's penalty, because they could not very well give one to him and not Pretty Boy Hamilton....
The good news is, KARMA stepped in, and Mr. Hamilton's car ran out of tyres and ended up in the gravel and got a DNF ( did not finish ) for the race. Which means Alonso and KIMI could still win the championship. This one is going to the last race, to be held in Brazil on October 21st at noon EST. The FIA will be observing
the equipment carefully to make sure there is no espionage and there is fair official scrutineer will be on hand. I love that word...scrutineer.....
In any case, I got to thinking: when should a UFO become a DNF? I will be contemplating this during the next month....and would be interested in any comments related to that topic....
One last knitting tool comment....while, working on my UFO garage this weekend....I am happy to report that I found a LEAF, how cool is that. It has been lying dormant in my garage for years...and was a pre-divorce purchase so it dates back to a time prior to 2002. I have been raking leaves every year for the last 14 years and lugging them behind my fence, so they would not blow back ON MY YARD!...... when I could have just vacuumed my grass!!!! I consider this a very valuable fall knitting tool....because well, my leaves are raked or should I say vacuumed....and this thing mulches them....too...........YIPPEE!!!!
So I was able to finish my blue heron green sweater, just in time....for next spring! I can not take a photo of it yet, because I am going to attempt to submit the design to a knitting you will have to wait until it is REJECTED.
Gotta go and do my tax return for 2006....YES, another UFO in my life. I just can not face taxes in April....
Wishing you all a FIBER FANTASY WEEKEND...
Smiles to you,
Finally a Degree that Fits My Lifestyle!
Blogging Degree
Thursday, October 4, 2007
fuji formula one 2007 proof of lewis hamilton's violation???
I am a formula one fan...and the big drama today, is that the golden son, lewis hamilton a rookie....could possibly get a penalty before the china race. I am posting it here, because it is not easily found on the net....for all the formula one fans that can not find it. Here it and decide for yourselves...
The race for the championship is tight...and if the FIA gives Hamilton a penalty...which, IMHO they should....this will make an already exciting race,
even more so. The race is on Sunday.
The allegation is that Lewis, a rookie this year....violated Article 40.10 of F1's Regulations, which reads: "The safety car shall be used at least until the leader is behind it and all remaining cars are lined up behind him. Once behind the safety car, the race leader must keep within 5 car lengths of it."
The evidence submitted comes from an amateur videographer, that posted it to YOU TUBE...LOL! Apparently, this was not captured by regular televised footage.
The sport's governing body stated,Hamilton's driving IS under review, with respect to this stipulation. "New evidence has been brought to the steward's attention and they are currently investigating the matter," said the spokesman.
A decision is expected to be made tomorrow, by the FIA.
The internet is alive, with all kinds of conspiracy theories....and many believe lewis is F1's golden boy...and has gotten preferences he has not deserved. I am one of those.
So grab those sticks and string....and watch the race which will be aired 2am sunday morning from shanghai....this sport is better than the best soap operas on tv!!!!
Wishing you all a great day...
Smiles to you,
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
standing in front of the KNITTING UFO BILLBOARD....
My first thought was to head out to my LYS and look for another yarn to complete my project, which was compatible. Instead....I faced my dreaded stash...and dug and dug until I found a yarn that was suitable. I then dug through the button overwhelming as, the yarn stash....and found new buttons. I live in a virtual yarn store.
I ripped out the sleeve trim and created a new trim with the new yarn. I worried as I knitted. I worried as I ripped out. I worried and worried and worried....and then it hit art WAS imitating my life. LIGHTBULB moment.........
....and it got me thinking....are the Unfinished objects in our life the result of our inflexibilty and the ANXIETY, our inflexibility causes? Does it really matter if we finish using plan J or P or Z as long as we finish and learn? Perhaps our lives would be more productive if we spent less effort focused on a specific our desires rather than the desires themselves?
Fiber art is comforting and nurturing....we create and we nurture with those the proliferation of UFO fiber projects...a sign that
we knitter's, crocheters, quilters, fiber not nurture ourselves enough.
Is the size of our stash or the number of UFO's in our closet....a wake up call...
that we are not nurturing our own innate creativity???
....we are thinking of doing...anticipating doing....but not believing in what we do sufficiently, to carry our conception, to its completion....????
That, is why we buy the yarns...or spin the the patterns, buy the patterns...get the tools out and begin the journey to create what our minds have conceived.... is it not? so what stops us from completion...and why do we allow the interference with our creative conception....?
Does our inflexibility about our selected route create the belief....that the end result can not be as beautiful or more beautiful than that which only began as a notion in our minds....? does being so involved in a process mean you can never
see your creation's true form....only it's substance?
I am enjoying blogging about my fiber art....and airing my dirty UFO secrets....because within those UFO's lying dormant in my creativity
that I left behind...locked up....and did not exploit to it's fullest possibilities.....
and yes, I am tormented by those UFO's....they are my hidden torment. They represent my repressed repressed dreams....they are an analogy for my life!
So you don't know what to write about on your fiber art blog, Here is my blog tip:
What do your UFO's say about your life? I would love to hear your comments...add them here...or send me the links to where you blog.
And get those UFO's out of your by one...sit them by your desk as
you blog....and write about the emotions and CLARITY....their completion gives to your life. There is wisdom to be found in our discarded share, to aid,
to inspire....others.
We can all use a little helping hand...
Wishing you a day of completion....or at least significant progress...
I am going out to take my photo......will be back later.....promise!
Smiles to You,