Friday, December 25, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
My holiday gift to you........Mushroom Beef Barley Soup
I know I am the dead beat blogger of this year......sorry, have been absolutely overwhelmed with managing my aunt's estate.....and getting her house ready for sale. I have had little time for much of anything else, including knitting, which rarely happens.
I am snowed in today, we have had about 14" of snow....and have been shoveling pathways for my dogs to walk.......which just makes you want to have a bowl of really good wholesome soup.
So decided to make my favorite Mushroom Beef Barley Soup and post my recipe here on my blog, for you to join me, if you so desire:
You will need a very large stock pot, I use my cuisinart stock pot that came with the set.
2 lbs of beef cut up into bite size pieces, best to do while partially frozen.
( chuck, round steak, sirloin steak )
1 1/2 lbs of mushrooms, cut up.
1 large onion cut up
1 large rib of celery diced
2 carrots diced.
tablespoon of thyme
2 tablespoons of parsley, fresh is best.
1 tablespoon of beef bouillion optional
Large can of tomatoes
4 marrow bones ( 1" high)
16 cups of water
1 lb of medium barley ( quaker makes a good one )
step one, lightly brown meat with half onion, put aside.
step two, saute til translucent remainder of onion, celery and carrots
with half of parsley, salt and pepper right in same stock pot.
step three, add water, and chopped tomatoes with juices, bouillion, salt
pepper, beef marrow bones......bring to boil and immediately lower to simmer,
partially cover with lid. simmer for an hour and a half. ( note if your tomatoes
are very acidic, which sometimes happens add a tablespoon of sugar to broth.)
after the broth is to your liking, taste it.
step four add the rinsed barley and simmer for another 45 mins. You may need
to add more water, if the barley soaks up too much of broth.
step five, while the barley is cooking, chop the mushrooms and saute with salt
and pepper to taste with the butter, for about 15 mins till most of juices are
gone, set aside.
step six. when barley is cooked......add the thyme, mushrooms and beef and simmer
another 15 mins, add additional salt and pepper if desired.
step seven.....EAT THIS SOUP IT IS GOOD!! It is wonderful with a nice glass of red wine
and fresh crusty baked bread on a cold winter's night. Put some of it away in your freezer,
in small container's to microwave for later, because it is way better than canned soup.
You can vary this soup by adding other veggies, like zucchini, corn, peppers or beans. I like it the way it is....You may want to add an extra lb. of beef if you like your soup really, really chunky.
I wish everyone happy holidays and a very, very happy properous NEW YEAR 2010!!!
Smiles to YOU,
Mushroom Beef Barley Soup
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Neiman's says COZY KNITS are in for FALL.......

Fall is just around the corner, time to take your knitting into high gear....
I am working on the rib tunic from Vogue Knitting Fall 2007, and using annie
blatt angor a pale gray green.
Have not made much still working on my aunt's estate paperwork......What a mess?
Have not made much still working on my aunt's estate paperwork......What a mess?
Which brings me to my next point......get thee to an attorney, find a form online, but organize your effects so those near and dear don't have to do it....At the minimum get a three ring binder and put your important papers in one place....all bank records together, stock records together, deeds to property, titles to cars, boats and other vehicles......Write down what you would like for your funeral, so your loved ones are not guessing or arguing over what to is hard to make these decisions for someone else, when you are so sad.
If you told someone they could have something after you die, then write it they get what you want them to have........or put a note taped under the helps. Otherwise let's face it, anyone can say anything......which is worth nothing.........after you are gone and can't verify it....oh well. These are just some of the things that have run through my mind, during this process.
I am buried in papers, and now buried in my aunt's papers as well.....and wondering, if I have a tree's worth here in my home.....and I have clutter issues of my own.......LOL! It is sort of upsetting to be organizing her things, when I do not have time to organize my own........but, it has sure been a wake up call for I know, if I croaked in the middle of the night, my family would be cursing me out........and hey, who could blame them.....because, I am not organized for life, let alone upon my death. LOL!
Here's hoping you are all knitting, while I am sorting through papers....papers, papers.......and more papers!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Life is conspiring to thwart my progress..........
or no matter how hard I try, I seem to always be treading water......
I regret to admit, my Deadbeat Blogger status, remains unchanged,due to circumstances out of my has been a month since I last posted, because my aunt died.
It seems like I have been running on overdrive,
since June 18th. First the coroner, then the funeral home, the priests, the graveyard.....and then the lawyers and the register of wills.....and the estate........papers, things collected over a lifetime...all under my care to resolve, dissolve, distribute.
and silence in my life, where her spirit once roamed.
This is a photo of her beloved backyard sactuary. A place for birds and wildlife to still roam that she created on almost 3 acres of an area that is overburdened with suburban tract homes... it is beautiful with a
creek running through it.....
She lived a long interesting life, she was 88 1/2 years old......and suffered from all kinds of illnesses ....that would have killed most, 20 years earlier.....proving that the will to live is much stronger than medical science. She wanted to die in her own home, and that, she nursing homes for her. Active and independent to the last day of her life. Oh and her name? Jessie P. Falcone....aka Celsimmina Bonpina Paradiso.
My aunt had a really remarkable life, admist her medical problems that plagued her from the time she was a young adult, she never let them stop her from living life. She kept moving and doing until her very last days.
She is a testimony to the strength of the WILL TO LIVE....and that anyone can overcome the trials and tribulations presented by life, if they have the true wish to endure. This was my aunt.
Her life was about knowledge, beauty and art. She was always impecably dressed and poised. Good manners, grammar and education were important to her..... She loved her family.
She loved collecting memorabilia and visiting museums. She was someone that could accomplish anything that she put to her mind.
She was tough as nails, irascible, smart, intelligent, well dressed and there was one way to do anything, HER WAY, the right way...........and she let you know, in no uncertain terms, what her opinion was.
Jessie grew up in Manyunk on Umbria st. She attended roxborough HS. She went to work as a confidential secretary for MR. Mellor, in the insurance industry. She stayed in contact with Mr. Mellors son's throughout her life.
She was very loyal to those that she loved.
She is the last of our maternal aunts........last of her generation of the paradiso family........ and although this is sad, there is joy knowing that she was able to live independent to her last days in her beloved home, filled with all the things and memories she loved so dearly. We will miss them all, her two sisters, sarah, parma....her
mother josephine.........her two aunts Caroline and Mary.
I would like to say I knit through all that I have gone thru this past month, but, I have not had a minute to myself.....
with all the arrangements I had to make.........will be writing more in the coming weeks on Death....grieving and our system of processing death.......of which, I have many thoughts.....spinning around my head.
Wishing you all a lovely summer weekend.....
Saturday, June 13, 2009
The Canon SD IS Digital Elph Camera Arrived.........
finally. It was very quick. I never redeemed Amex points before and am really happy with the process. They said expect the camera in 14 days. I ordered it Saturday and it was here by the following Wednesday. This camera is very tiny, not much bigger than my LG Chocolate phone. I love the cherry red color, which is a departure for me, because it is not black or gray. My phone is blue. Very odd, must be going through a color phase in my life.
But, I digress, I have not read through the literature yet, but did load up the new software and took a few pics....and am very happy with the photos and the clarity. I think I like this better than the Canon SD 1000 I had or have lost somewhere in my yarn stash room.....LOL!! It is very easy to use.....even without reading the instructions, which I despise doing.
The LED screen is very large and clear and it also has a viewfinder, which I like. It is very slick, she said with a big fat smile on her face! Great design Canon!!!
And, here are the very first photos.......The first set is of the T-Squared Tank I designed and discussed in the prior post.
But, I digress, I have not read through the literature yet, but did load up the new software and took a few pics....and am very happy with the photos and the clarity. I think I like this better than the Canon SD 1000 I had or have lost somewhere in my yarn stash room.....LOL!! It is very easy to use.....even without reading the instructions, which I despise doing.
The LED screen is very large and clear and it also has a viewfinder, which I like. It is very slick, she said with a big fat smile on her face! Great design Canon!!!
And, here are the very first photos.......The first set is of the T-Squared Tank I designed and discussed in the prior post.
If you are interested in purchasing the design recipe for this tank top, please email at . This is modular design and is customizable for all needle sizes and gauges of yarn. The instructions will be sent by email only. The cost for the pattern will be $5 payable by paypal.
And here is a photo of the current design I am working on. I am using Blue Heron Beaded Cotton Rayon yarn, in the colorway DAWN. I love the colors....and yes they do remind me of dawn....they sort of have a bronze sheen. This yarn is from my stash...and I only had 402 yards. I had intended to make another T-squared tank.....and was wondering how it would look with mitered squares....and then the design morphed into something else. Here are some photos of the start.
It is 6 squares wide.....and I am working on the third row of squares.
So far I am happy with the design.
The yarn though seems to be a bit brittle after you cut it, with tufts of
cotton rayon coming off the center base cotton string. I found myself
wondering if it had something to do with the dye used by Blue Heron.
In any case, I want to get back to my project and make some further progress..
Wishing you a wonderful rainy evening of fiber pursuits, if you are living in PA........
Smiles to YOU,
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Canon PowerShot SD780 IS Digital Camera 12.1Mp ELPH Series RED

Here is the new camera, I just ordered...having still not found mine....
I used credit card points, so it will take 14 days to get it. UGGH!
But, I could not afford to put out $$$'s to replace it.
Here are some details about it, per the Amex website.
Canon PowerShot SD780 IS Digital Camera 12.1Mp ELPH Series RED
Canon PowerShot SD780 IS Digital Camera - Red - 16:9 - 3x Optical Zoom - 4x Digital Zoom - 2.5" Active Matrix TFT Color LCD
Features 3x optical zoom, optical image stabilization, a 2.5" LCD, and HD movie shooting capability. Includes 2GB SD memory card, battery and charger, wrist strap, USB/AV cables, and CD-ROM.
Dimensions: 3-2/5" W x 2-1/5" H x 7/10" D;
It may be the slimmest Digital ELPH Canon has ever created. I liked the reviews I found on
My lost camera is the SD1000 which, I loved..........I miss it so much...
I bet you any amount of money the second the other arrives, the missing camera will be found....LOL!
Finished my T-Squared project, which is a modular tank top with beaded dangles...that I designed. I am happy with the way it turned out, except the color of the yarn is not the best for my complexion......c'est la vie. Will have pics for you as soon as the camera arrives......
Wishing you all a great spring day,
Smiles to You,
Thursday, June 4, 2009
My Stash Swallowed up.......
my digital camera....and after a week and a half I still can not find that camera.
I am crazed. Does it mean the stash does not want to be sold? Does my yarn stash have a life and will of its own? I have tried to pray to every saint that I know, even prayed to the house ghosts to release my camera......retraced my steps, called up friends, hoping they might think of something I did not....NO LUCK!
I am close to giving up and buying a new camera, tonite, which probably means I will find the old(under a year) camera shortly afterwards.....
I hate when I lose important things, it makes me insane. Clearly, THE STASH is a sign of a person with hoarding issues....loss, disposal, etc...are foreign concepts to packrats.
Any suggestions for finding a rogue digital camera, would be appreciated.
On knitting news, I am almost finished my new design. I am tentatively calling it T-Squared. It is a tank top made from modular squares and triangles. I saw it in a dream and woke up and have been working on it incessantly for the last week. All pieces are complete and almost assembled. I would add a photo, but, THE CAMERA GOT SWALLOWED BY MY STASH! UGGGGGGGGH!
I am crazed. Does it mean the stash does not want to be sold? Does my yarn stash have a life and will of its own? I have tried to pray to every saint that I know, even prayed to the house ghosts to release my camera......retraced my steps, called up friends, hoping they might think of something I did not....NO LUCK!
I am close to giving up and buying a new camera, tonite, which probably means I will find the old(under a year) camera shortly afterwards.....
I hate when I lose important things, it makes me insane. Clearly, THE STASH is a sign of a person with hoarding issues....loss, disposal, etc...are foreign concepts to packrats.
Any suggestions for finding a rogue digital camera, would be appreciated.
On knitting news, I am almost finished my new design. I am tentatively calling it T-Squared. It is a tank top made from modular squares and triangles. I saw it in a dream and woke up and have been working on it incessantly for the last week. All pieces are complete and almost assembled. I would add a photo, but, THE CAMERA GOT SWALLOWED BY MY STASH! UGGGGGGGGH!
Out of Control Yarn stash
Sunday, May 31, 2009
My Stash is Totally and Unbelieveably OUT OF CONTROL....
there, I admitted it.........I need to have a stash sale.......because, if I live to be a hundred years old, I can never use all the yarn and fiber that has some how made its way into my home. I would venture to say that I have a small yarn shop in my home. I would also say, this is proof........absolute proof, that I should have owned a yarn shop for the last 20 years of my life. UGGGGGGGGGH!!!
What has driven today's confession, you might be wondering.....along with the fact there are NO PHOTOS????
Last Sunday afternoon, I decided to put some of my yarn up for sale on ebay......which, drove me to go into the stash room. Yes, it has its own room and probably needs its own address.....maybe zip code. In any case, I made the mistake of taking my digital camera with me........BIG MISTAKE!!!
I put it down, in a mindless state of euphoria, while opening yarn bins....and touching my stash....some of which has not seen the light of day since my separation.....and after, I filled a large box with some yarn....I left. Sat down and said, I need to take photos...........OOOPSSS, no camera. Yup, you guessed it......that camera, is somewhere in my
stash room.......lost for one entire week.
My project on this beautiful spring day, was to find it. I started at 10:30 am, it is now 7:31pm and I have been through all the bags of fleece.........and about 20 bins and NO CAMERA. I am 1/3 through the room. I have taken maybe a 2 hour break..........and NO CAMERA.
I am thinking, this is a light bulb moment.......and all I wish I could do at this moment is take a photo of the room so you could understand what I am writing. I have seen photos of incredibly large stashes, online.....and I was afraid mine was possibly bigger.......Now, I am fairly could be, and that is totally ridiculous.
Over consumption.....and possibly worse than my UFO SITUATION. I am never going to attend another stitches conference, maryland sheep and wool show, Rhinebeck, or yarn store until this STASH is reduced to 1/4 of its present size.
I am now going to go back in there to find enough yarn to sell, to pay for a NEW DIGITAL CAMERA.......because, chances are, it is lost in the BLACK HOLE OF STASHDOM.........and will not see the light of day.......until I get rid of most of that YARN one way or another......So stay tuned for the announcement of the yarns for sale.......and if you are reading this blog and looking for a particular yarn or dyelot.....let me know.........I might have what you are looking other words, I am taking special requests. Leave them in the comments section.
Wishing you all a great day,
Smiles to you,
What has driven today's confession, you might be wondering.....along with the fact there are NO PHOTOS????
Last Sunday afternoon, I decided to put some of my yarn up for sale on ebay......which, drove me to go into the stash room. Yes, it has its own room and probably needs its own address.....maybe zip code. In any case, I made the mistake of taking my digital camera with me........BIG MISTAKE!!!
I put it down, in a mindless state of euphoria, while opening yarn bins....and touching my stash....some of which has not seen the light of day since my separation.....and after, I filled a large box with some yarn....I left. Sat down and said, I need to take photos...........OOOPSSS, no camera. Yup, you guessed it......that camera, is somewhere in my
stash room.......lost for one entire week.
My project on this beautiful spring day, was to find it. I started at 10:30 am, it is now 7:31pm and I have been through all the bags of fleece.........and about 20 bins and NO CAMERA. I am 1/3 through the room. I have taken maybe a 2 hour break..........and NO CAMERA.
I am thinking, this is a light bulb moment.......and all I wish I could do at this moment is take a photo of the room so you could understand what I am writing. I have seen photos of incredibly large stashes, online.....and I was afraid mine was possibly bigger.......Now, I am fairly could be, and that is totally ridiculous.
Over consumption.....and possibly worse than my UFO SITUATION. I am never going to attend another stitches conference, maryland sheep and wool show, Rhinebeck, or yarn store until this STASH is reduced to 1/4 of its present size.
I am now going to go back in there to find enough yarn to sell, to pay for a NEW DIGITAL CAMERA.......because, chances are, it is lost in the BLACK HOLE OF STASHDOM.........and will not see the light of day.......until I get rid of most of that YARN one way or another......So stay tuned for the announcement of the yarns for sale.......and if you are reading this blog and looking for a particular yarn or dyelot.....let me know.........I might have what you are looking other words, I am taking special requests. Leave them in the comments section.
Wishing you all a great day,
Smiles to you,
Monday, May 25, 2009
Discontinued Noro Yarn on EBAY
Just posted these two discontinued and rare NORO yarns on auction at ebay.
The first is creams and taupes and is noro yamabiko, 60% wool, silk and angora mohair.
I have 5 skeins available...starting price is $6.99/skein
total of approx 550 yards.
The second yarn is NORO kureopatra....starting price is $7.99 per skein. 5 skeins available, this is the leftover yarn, from my everyone knows if you scroll down you can see how it knits up.
It is also a rare discontinued NORO a great colorway.
Happy Memorial Day........about to go bbq some spare ribs for my dinner.....can not wait!! YUMMM!
Smiles to you,
Thursday, May 21, 2009
UFO in PROGRESS.........Off the Grid Vest
The back was partially completed and was finished last weekend. I cast on for the front and I am almost up to the armhole.
The first photo is a close up of the stitch pattern, which is a combination slip stitch, yarn over pattern. It looks much more complicated than it is.
As such it will look much better after blocking.
I am using some Blue Heron Yarn, which I believe is their cotton rayon seed yarn, but I can not really be sure since it was not marked.
I bought it on ebay in the late 90's when they were just starting out. I have a whole bin of their cotton and cotton/rayon yarns. You might say I got a little carried away with my purchases.
In addition to working on this UFO, I could not resist casting on for the #26 Diamond Rib Pullover by Iris Schreier. The pattern is from the latest Vogue Knitting Magazine Spring/Summer 2009. I like several of the patterns in their latest magazine.
This is the first pattern that I am knitting by Schreier, and will give you my comments as I go through it, with respect to accuracy. She has been the subject of many complaints over the years of poorly written instructions with respect to comprehension and errors.
I have cast on with another blue heron cotton/rayon yarn....turquoise, purples and greens. I have done the first 12 rows....not sure yet, whether the yarn is suitable for this pattern as it has lots of bumps in it and may obscure the diagnol rib pattern. I will post a photo, when I get at least 6 " of knitting complete.
Wishing you all a great Memorial Day Weekend...
Smiles to you,
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Yes, it is true........I finished the #14 Hooded Pullover by Deborah Newtown in Vogue Winter 2007/2008 Magazine.
Here are the photos....of the back and front. I downsized the
sweater by casting on less stitches and it worked out fine.
I am real happy with the finished sweater. Love the yarn I used
sensations. It is absolutely fabulous to use for knitting. I can not say enough good things about this yarn.
I loved this pattern, it was well written and I did not find any errors, which makes the knitting process, so much more enjoyable. I only cast on 118 sts, so the pullover would not
be so oversized, since I am small. It worked out great.
I followed all the rest of the pattern, from the armholes up
I really liked the center waffle pattern and am considering making a scarf out of this pattern
I am now working on a UFO from 2005, from Spring 2005 Knitter's Magazine. It is called off the grid vest. I may add sleeves. Finished the back and am working on the front, hopefully it will be finished by the end of the weekend.
My next project is already planned........# 26 diagnal rib pullover from the new vogue magazine. I am sticking to my policy, one finished UFO, before any NEW CAST ONS....I did do the gauge sample....LOL!!! I am going to use some blue heron yarn that I got on ebay years ago.
Will post photos of the vest and the pullover this weekend......
Happy knitting to all,
Smiles to you,
Monday, May 4, 2009
great hats..........take a look
I found this pic on the knitting social network, done by a new zealand artist, named lynadell harvey.....Her hats are fabulous and so are her sweaters......
click here and go to her gallery to see her posted work. It is all fabulous........
and great inspiration. enjoy.....smiles to you, DC
click here and go to her gallery to see her posted work. It is all fabulous........
and great inspiration. enjoy.....smiles to you, DC

great knitted hats.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Checkerboard Scarf - Free Knitting Pattern
As promised here is my pattern recipe for a checkboard scarf. Great gift and easy to knit, with yarn and needles of your own choosing. I used #6 circulars and a dk weight wool/cashmere yarn. This scarf will go much faster with size 8's or 9's and worsted weight wool....but, the finished fabric will not be as drapey as using smaller needles and finer weight wool.
I cast on 9 x 4=36 + 2 =38 stitches.
1. Choose the appropriate needle size for the Yarn you have selected. The label on the yarn will give you suggested needle sizes for your yarn. Smaller needle size will give you firmer fabric and Larger will give more drapey fabric.
2. Cast on an odd mutiple of 4 stitches, ie. 3 x 4, 7 x 4 plus 2 additional selvage
Knit first 3 rows in garter stitch or more if you want a longer border.
Pattern Rows
1. Choose the appropriate needle size for the Yarn you have selected. The label on the yarn will give you suggested needle sizes for your yarn. Smaller needle size will give you firmer fabric and Larger will give more drapey fabric.
2. Cast on an odd mutiple of 4 stitches, ie. 3 x 4, 7 x 4 plus 2 additional selvage
Knit first 3 rows in garter stitch or more if you want a longer border.
Pattern Rows
row 2 : slip 1 purlwise, purl 4, knit4, ending with purl 4, purl 1
row 3: repeat row 1
row 4: repeat row 2
row 5: slip 1 purlwise, purl 4, knit4, ending with purl 4, purl 1
row 6: slip 1 purlwise, knit 4, purl 4, ending with knit 4, purl 1
row 7: repeat row 5
row 8: repeat row 6
Repeat rows 1-8 till you run out of yarn or until the scarf reaches the length you desire. End with 3 rows of garter or the same amount of garter stitch rows you did for the lower border.
Note: you can make your pattern any number of rows you choose, if you would like larger squares. Remember to change your repeat rows accordingly.

tassels, fringe, crochet borders, pompoms, etc all would be suitable for this scarf...or leave it plain.
Block scarf when finished to even out stitches.
tassels, fringe, crochet borders, pompoms, etc all would be suitable for this scarf...or leave it plain.
Block scarf when finished to even out stitches.
I would love to see photos of your finished projects if you use this recipe.
You may use this pattern for personal use or may sell the finished scarves that you make. All other copyrights to this pattern recipe, pertain and are retained by konoponop designs, please refer anyone who is interested in this pattern to this blog site.
Enjoy this free pattern recipe, thank you for reading my blog.
Smiles to you,
Saturday, May 2, 2009
I am a Dead Beat Blogger...........
I will admit it. You know how it is, you don't post for a week and then the week turns into several and before you know it you are a DEAD BEAT BLOGGER, and as time passes, the will to come back to your blog lessens, and the excuses for not posting mount and mount.
You actually even go to your blog site, open up the post window......and well the phone rings, you would rather clip your toe nails, pick your nose, pull weeds, clean your toilet, pay bills,etc. You have Dead Beat Blogger syndrome, until the shame and guilt drives you to type anything,to make excuses for your tardy post.
So I will leave it to your imagination as to my actual excuses for not posting in over a month, except to say this........ PROCRASTINATION.... OVERWHELMED with my life and responsibilities, and dealing with the stresses of the so-called FINANCIAL TSUNAMI, etc.
I do have several accomplishments to report:
I finished the 'Everyone Knows Jacket'. I liked this project, the instructions were well written and the finished product fits well. I did not do the side dropped stitch pattern as I like a warm sweater in the winter. I did do the drop stitch pattern on the sleeves.
After finishing the sweater, I realized that it was not real smart to use noro kureopatra yarn for a drop sleeve pattern since the fibers tend to pull apart. My hope is after the first washing they will felt a bit, so this does not become a problem. Here are some photos:

I also finished my KIP 2008 knitting project which, was a checkerboard scarf. I like how it turned out, photos and pattern forthcoming. A great take along knitting project.
After the success of the the 'Everyone Knows Jacket', I decided to to finish up the Hooded Pullover #14 by Deborah Newton in the 2008 Vogue Magazine. I have made major headway,finished the back and the front.
I screwed up the front, I realized as I was just about to take it off the needles. I forgot to bind off for the neck opening. UGGGGGGGGGH! I started to frog.......and re-knit it according to the instructions. As I was frogging, I realized, I should have just steeked the neckline, it would have saved me re-knitting and would have been much faster. Oh well...a good tip for the next time this occurs. I must admit, I have never steeked as the idea of cutting my lovely knit stitches.....sends chills up my spine, but this would have been the most expedient fix for this error.
I have cast on the sleeves, I am doing both at the same time. All that is left after that is the hood. I am so happy with this project so far......the instructions are well written and clear....
This pattern is for an experienced knitter, who has experience with complex cable stitches.I prepared an exel spread sheet to keep all the pattern changes by row, which helps immensely in doing complex aran cable sweaters, where the number of pattern rows for each design varies.
I have this for the body of the sweater and will make one for the sleeves. This is especially helpful if you tend to put your knitting down for a period of it helps you to know where you left off.
On the ulcer front, I am glad to report that the ulcer is cured. It took 3 months, but I am on the road to recovery.........with changed habits........and better emotional borders, as a result. I can not say it strongly enough, stress kills and people and things in your life who constantly produce stress, do have an effect. The time to dispose of the stress is before you get an ultra large bleeding is just not worth it. Life is difficult enough without things and people who exacerbate negativity.
I am still awaiting biopsy, but the area now looks clean and the doc believes it was just ulceration from the ulcer. I am so happy to be off the medication, which worked but, has side effects that are not pleasant. I was on it for longer than normal due to the extremely large size of my ulcer.
Spring has come on faster than usual this year.......most of my trees have full leaves and have bloomed. I will miss my house, once it sells.......I love my gardens, but, have decided that this is just too much upkeep for one small chick. It has overwhelmed me....and I need smaller digs.
The ebaying is overwhelming me, too........I have so much to get sold before the end of this year. I have been an overconsumer, pack rat extraodinaire. I feel great everytime, I find good homes for my things.
Please take a look at both my shops, will be putting up knitting and craft books and yarns, this week and every week going check back often. Here are the links to my online shops:
The bonanzle shop also has lots of hardback books, many that have never been opened so take a look. The prices are cheap, because I do not want to pack them up and move them. My loss is your gain!
Wishing you a great spring weekend,
Smiles to you,
You actually even go to your blog site, open up the post window......and well the phone rings, you would rather clip your toe nails, pick your nose, pull weeds, clean your toilet, pay bills,etc. You have Dead Beat Blogger syndrome, until the shame and guilt drives you to type anything,to make excuses for your tardy post.
So I will leave it to your imagination as to my actual excuses for not posting in over a month, except to say this........ PROCRASTINATION.... OVERWHELMED with my life and responsibilities, and dealing with the stresses of the so-called FINANCIAL TSUNAMI, etc.
I do have several accomplishments to report:
I finished the 'Everyone Knows Jacket'. I liked this project, the instructions were well written and the finished product fits well. I did not do the side dropped stitch pattern as I like a warm sweater in the winter. I did do the drop stitch pattern on the sleeves.
After finishing the sweater, I realized that it was not real smart to use noro kureopatra yarn for a drop sleeve pattern since the fibers tend to pull apart. My hope is after the first washing they will felt a bit, so this does not become a problem. Here are some photos:
I also finished my KIP 2008 knitting project which, was a checkerboard scarf. I like how it turned out, photos and pattern forthcoming. A great take along knitting project.
After the success of the the 'Everyone Knows Jacket', I decided to to finish up the Hooded Pullover #14 by Deborah Newton in the 2008 Vogue Magazine. I have made major headway,finished the back and the front.
I screwed up the front, I realized as I was just about to take it off the needles. I forgot to bind off for the neck opening. UGGGGGGGGGH! I started to frog.......and re-knit it according to the instructions. As I was frogging, I realized, I should have just steeked the neckline, it would have saved me re-knitting and would have been much faster. Oh well...a good tip for the next time this occurs. I must admit, I have never steeked as the idea of cutting my lovely knit stitches.....sends chills up my spine, but this would have been the most expedient fix for this error.
I have cast on the sleeves, I am doing both at the same time. All that is left after that is the hood. I am so happy with this project so far......the instructions are well written and clear....
This pattern is for an experienced knitter, who has experience with complex cable stitches.I prepared an exel spread sheet to keep all the pattern changes by row, which helps immensely in doing complex aran cable sweaters, where the number of pattern rows for each design varies.
I have this for the body of the sweater and will make one for the sleeves. This is especially helpful if you tend to put your knitting down for a period of it helps you to know where you left off.
On the ulcer front, I am glad to report that the ulcer is cured. It took 3 months, but I am on the road to recovery.........with changed habits........and better emotional borders, as a result. I can not say it strongly enough, stress kills and people and things in your life who constantly produce stress, do have an effect. The time to dispose of the stress is before you get an ultra large bleeding is just not worth it. Life is difficult enough without things and people who exacerbate negativity.
I am still awaiting biopsy, but the area now looks clean and the doc believes it was just ulceration from the ulcer. I am so happy to be off the medication, which worked but, has side effects that are not pleasant. I was on it for longer than normal due to the extremely large size of my ulcer.
Spring has come on faster than usual this year.......most of my trees have full leaves and have bloomed. I will miss my house, once it sells.......I love my gardens, but, have decided that this is just too much upkeep for one small chick. It has overwhelmed me....and I need smaller digs.
The ebaying is overwhelming me, too........I have so much to get sold before the end of this year. I have been an overconsumer, pack rat extraodinaire. I feel great everytime, I find good homes for my things.
Please take a look at both my shops, will be putting up knitting and craft books and yarns, this week and every week going check back often. Here are the links to my online shops:
The bonanzle shop also has lots of hardback books, many that have never been opened so take a look. The prices are cheap, because I do not want to pack them up and move them. My loss is your gain!
Wishing you a great spring weekend,
Smiles to you,
Saturday, March 14, 2009
March definitely roared in like a LION.......
it is the 14th...and it is still very cold here in Bucks County, PA. VERY!
We had two short days of warmer weather, and then back to the DEEP FREEZE, my heating costs were the highest ever in the last 16 years that I have lived in this house. I thought energy prices were supposed to have gone down with the recession, mine did not.
I have some knitted items entered in the New Hope Winery Art show this weekend. If you get a chance to stop by, please vote for me. Their website is They are doing a wine tasting today and they do have some really good wines and a great gift shop there.
On knitting progress, I am just about done with the Everyone Knows Jacket body. I am happy with the project so far and actually think it may make it to completion.
On Ulcer news, have to go back in for another endoscopy, they are not sure that it is healing properly....and saw some suspicious cells in the I am a bit worried. That won't be until the middle of April and I am sure worrying will not help my ulcer heal. Ever feel like the cards are stacked against you? I asked what happens if it doesn't heal...they have not decided yet. How are you supposed to find stress relief in the middle of the worst recession ever on record, when you are trying to sell your house and downsize your belongings and no one is buying them?
I wonder how many new ulcers have been formed in stomachs across the world? ...And if one more person tells me to stay calm, I think I will probably get 5 more ulcers!!!
The good news of the week as there seems to be SOME GOOD NEWS about the recession. Or is that just wishful thinking on my part?
wishing you a great weekend,
Smiles to You,
We had two short days of warmer weather, and then back to the DEEP FREEZE, my heating costs were the highest ever in the last 16 years that I have lived in this house. I thought energy prices were supposed to have gone down with the recession, mine did not.
I have some knitted items entered in the New Hope Winery Art show this weekend. If you get a chance to stop by, please vote for me. Their website is They are doing a wine tasting today and they do have some really good wines and a great gift shop there.
On knitting progress, I am just about done with the Everyone Knows Jacket body. I am happy with the project so far and actually think it may make it to completion.
On Ulcer news, have to go back in for another endoscopy, they are not sure that it is healing properly....and saw some suspicious cells in the I am a bit worried. That won't be until the middle of April and I am sure worrying will not help my ulcer heal. Ever feel like the cards are stacked against you? I asked what happens if it doesn't heal...they have not decided yet. How are you supposed to find stress relief in the middle of the worst recession ever on record, when you are trying to sell your house and downsize your belongings and no one is buying them?
I wonder how many new ulcers have been formed in stomachs across the world? ...And if one more person tells me to stay calm, I think I will probably get 5 more ulcers!!!
The good news of the week as there seems to be SOME GOOD NEWS about the recession. Or is that just wishful thinking on my part?
wishing you a great weekend,
Smiles to You,
Friday, February 27, 2009
A new knitting social network, like has opened up.
If you have interest, go to
and sign up, I just did. Will report more about it
later in the next few days after I have a chance to
explore it more.
wishing you a great day,
If you have interest, go to
and sign up, I just did. Will report more about it
later in the next few days after I have a chance to
explore it more.
wishing you a great day,
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Calls for Art Entries for the BUTTERFLY PROJECT
I received the below call for art entries the other day, which I believe is a very worth cause for all artist....since it relates to FREEDOM, which is a concept so near and dear to most artist's minds. You might recall the book, " I never saw another butterfly" by Hana Volavkova, which is still available in paperback. describes the contents,"Fifteen thousand children under the age of fifteen passed through the Terezin Concentration Camp. Fewer than 100 survived. In these poems and pictures drawn by the young inmates, we see the daily misery of these uprooted children, as well as their hopes and fears, their courage and optimism."
search the title on the amazon search box to the upper right of the blog.
This looks like a great project and the deadline is far away, so there is NO EXCUSE even for hardcore procrastinators like MYSELF!!! LOL! If you are contributing to this project, I would love to post your entries on my blog...I will post mine as soon as I finish it....and I promise it will not end up in a UFO heap!!!
(read the entry requirements below this post)
wishing you all a day of FREEDOM to pursue CREATIVITY....
Deadline: June 30, 2011 (RECEIVE} & (Hand Deliver)
The Butterfly Project
The Holocaust Museum
Houston, TX
Spring 2012
In an effort to remember them, Holocaust Museum Houston is collecting 1.5 million handmade butterflies.
The butterflies will eventually comprise a breath-taking exhibition, currently scheduled for Spring 2012, for all to remember.
As of Summer 2008, we have already collected an estimated 400,000 butterflies.
Please facilitate the “I Never Saw Another Butterfly” activity and create as many handmade arts-and-crafts butterflies as possible. This project may be completed by all ages as individuals or groups.
Butterflies should be no larger than 8 inches by 10 inches.
Butterflies may be of any medium the artist chooses, but two-dimensional submissions are preferred.
Glitter should not be used.
Food products (cereal, macaroni, candy, marshmallows or other perishables) also should not be used.
If possible, e-mail a photograph of your butterflies, to
Please send or bring your butterflies to the Museum by June 30, 2011, with the following information included:
Your name,
Your organization or school,
Your address,
Your e-mail address, and
The total number of butterflies sent.
Mail or bring your butterflies to:
Holocaust Museum Houston
Butterfly Project
Education Department
5401 Caroline St.
Houston, TX 77004
For questions or additional information, please e-mail
Visit the website: describes the contents,"Fifteen thousand children under the age of fifteen passed through the Terezin Concentration Camp. Fewer than 100 survived. In these poems and pictures drawn by the young inmates, we see the daily misery of these uprooted children, as well as their hopes and fears, their courage and optimism."
search the title on the amazon search box to the upper right of the blog.
This looks like a great project and the deadline is far away, so there is NO EXCUSE even for hardcore procrastinators like MYSELF!!! LOL! If you are contributing to this project, I would love to post your entries on my blog...I will post mine as soon as I finish it....and I promise it will not end up in a UFO heap!!!
(read the entry requirements below this post)
wishing you all a day of FREEDOM to pursue CREATIVITY....
Deadline: June 30, 2011 (RECEIVE} & (Hand Deliver)
The Butterfly Project
The Holocaust Museum
Houston, TX
Spring 2012
In an effort to remember them, Holocaust Museum Houston is collecting 1.5 million handmade butterflies.
The butterflies will eventually comprise a breath-taking exhibition, currently scheduled for Spring 2012, for all to remember.
As of Summer 2008, we have already collected an estimated 400,000 butterflies.
Please facilitate the “I Never Saw Another Butterfly” activity and create as many handmade arts-and-crafts butterflies as possible. This project may be completed by all ages as individuals or groups.
Butterflies should be no larger than 8 inches by 10 inches.
Butterflies may be of any medium the artist chooses, but two-dimensional submissions are preferred.
Glitter should not be used.
Food products (cereal, macaroni, candy, marshmallows or other perishables) also should not be used.
If possible, e-mail a photograph of your butterflies, to
Please send or bring your butterflies to the Museum by June 30, 2011, with the following information included:
Your name,
Your organization or school,
Your address,
Your e-mail address, and
The total number of butterflies sent.
Mail or bring your butterflies to:
Holocaust Museum Houston
Butterfly Project
Education Department
5401 Caroline St.
Houston, TX 77004
For questions or additional information, please e-mail
Visit the website:
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
spin off magazine is sponsoring a contest....
on their new website that opened today....and is featuring a contest that includes fiber gift baskets and gift certificates to the online spinning store exclusively to members of
2 Fiber baskets that could contain a Golding Ring Spindle, silk merino fiber and a hand spindle from Foxglove Fiber Arts & Ashford, a teasing tool from Strauch Fiber Equipment, and a bunch of spinnable fiber!
5 gift certificates to the online spinning store for $20
Here is the link for anyone interested in joining and becoming eligible to win the above prizes.....
and a widget from their new site with photos:
2 Fiber baskets that could contain a Golding Ring Spindle, silk merino fiber and a hand spindle from Foxglove Fiber Arts & Ashford, a teasing tool from Strauch Fiber Equipment, and a bunch of spinnable fiber!
5 gift certificates to the online spinning store for $20
Here is the link for anyone interested in joining and becoming eligible to win the above prizes.....
and a widget from their new site with photos:

spinning fiber,
SpinOff magazine contest
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Noro Yarn has ISSUES that can be repaired.......
If you like noro yarns and use them, then you know they have ISSUES.......The photos are of the Noro Kureopatra yarn that I am using for the 'Everyone Knows' jacket.
Here is a quick fix for solving White spots: Places where the dye did not take to the yarn. This is especially annoying in a dark dye lot.See first image....Before repair.
Use a permanent marker pen or a fabric dye pen, in a color that blends with your dye lot to color in the white spaces. See second image...After repair.
I used purple to cover up the white spots in my 'everyone knows cardigan.
You can do this before you knit the yarn....or a bit faster after it is knitted. You can use several colors or use one. I like to use the large sharper marker, which I have in several colors and lightly brush over the white spots after they are knitted, until I get the depth of color that I am searching.
Fix Two: unspun roving sections:
lightly dampen the area with water or saliva....and roll back and forth in the palms of your hands until the fibers adhere to themselves. The yarn will now not pull apart as you knit.
Smiles to You,
Friday, February 6, 2009
Winter is officially on my nerves.........
this morning.......
I am tired of being freezing cold. Tired of HUGE heating bills. Tired of wearing boots and heavy coats. Tired of putting doggie booties on the wee pups, whose paws freeze otherwise.
Tired of cleaning the ashes out of the fireplace. Tired of bleak colors and only textures for interest in the landscape...
I NEED A VACATION TO SOMEWHERE VERY WARMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! NOWWWWWWW! Can someone lend me their place in St. Barts or other cushy carribean resort?
Up early to take out the trash, it is frigid cold here, 16 degrees Farenheit.
Had a good week trading in the market and made progress on my "everyone knows" jacket. 11 1/2" completed. I am not doing the bind off holey stitch thing, which is totally not suitable to the winter climate here in pennsylvania. So far, I say, kudos to the designers 'Weaverknits' for a well written and EDITED pattern. Thank you, you make knitting a pleasure.
About to put more stuff on Ebay this morning, please check out my auctions, seller name sheepthrills6 and the link to my store is above. I put some craft books up there and some craft kits this month and lots of MIDCENTURY MODERN ACCESSORIES for your home.
wishing you all a wonderful weekend,
smiles to you,
I am tired of being freezing cold. Tired of HUGE heating bills. Tired of wearing boots and heavy coats. Tired of putting doggie booties on the wee pups, whose paws freeze otherwise.
Tired of cleaning the ashes out of the fireplace. Tired of bleak colors and only textures for interest in the landscape...
I NEED A VACATION TO SOMEWHERE VERY WARMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! NOWWWWWWW! Can someone lend me their place in St. Barts or other cushy carribean resort?
Up early to take out the trash, it is frigid cold here, 16 degrees Farenheit.
About to put more stuff on Ebay this morning, please check out my auctions, seller name sheepthrills6 and the link to my store is above. I put some craft books up there and some craft kits this month and lots of MIDCENTURY MODERN ACCESSORIES for your home.
wishing you all a wonderful weekend,
smiles to you,
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
It's Snowing in Bucks County.....
I bought a new computer, with a large monitor, it was a mistake. Not the large monitor, the NEW.....part. My Ulcer is acting up, being techno deficient as I am....what was I thinking?
My computer was so old 5 years, that I had forgotten what a hassle it was getting a new computer up and running with all the colors, sounds, themes, software, data on your new computer.
For some reason on day 2, I have NO SOUND......checked all the sound drivers, settings, etc...No enlightenment. So will be on the phone with HP, shortly. My scanner or webcam do not work with windows will keep my other computer functioning.
It was on its last legs, it kept crashing. It crashes when I try to copy certain info, it crashes if I look at it the wrong way......who knows why, so, I gave up on it..... I miss windows was so easy.
Vista, is ridiculous, it makes you confirm everything that you do....and then some. Wish I could have XP on this new computer, I would be in heaven.
I love this large wide screen. It is great........and the wireless keyboard and mouse. I hated that mouse wire, it was always getting stuck on something, at the most inoportune moments.
I have learned all sorts of new techno stuff. I had to buy a wireless router to use the other computer and a USB wireless adapter for it. I just installed the adapter, I survived.
Technology stresses me out, it seems to have gotten overly the point if you do not have access to a teenager or someone in their 20's....YOU ARE SCREWED!!!
I also bought a thinga majiggy....called a flash drive, as I was advised it was easier to use than the large stack of CD's I was about to purchase to transfer data from old computer to new. Who knew???? I have not gotten the courage yet to try it.......will do that after this post as well.
I cast on the "everyone knows" sweater from knitty- winter 2008, designed by Weaverknits. I am skipping the bind off drop stitch thing. I love the shape of this simple sweater without it. I am using noro kureopatra yarn. I like the way it is turning out so far. I have 7 " done so far.
No UFO progress to report.......too busy with computers and ebay these days and thought maybe a new knitting project would get me moving on the UFO's again as well.
Oh, I almost forgot, UFO BOYFRIEND, heard about my stomach ulcer and showed up with 2 dozen red roses and a beautiful card... 2 weeks later, of course!!!....what IS UP WITH THAT?
He was just never know what that guy will come up with....anyway, it was the least he could do, because he is 50% responsible for the stomach minimum and the ex hubby gets credit for the other half.....
Gotta run, to click and ship for ebay, then talk to HP about the sound problem.....and then comcast, I am sure to install the wireless router.....the acid in my stomach is churning just thinking about those trunk lines......but, I will work on the "everyone knows" sweater, and be thinking every one knows technology sucks......and knitting doesn't!!!! ;-)
wishing you a fabulous winter evening,
smiles to you,
Sunday, January 25, 2009
this is my life, post ulcer diagnosis.....LOL!
I have tried the pineapple, sparkling grape, cherry, strawberry...and what I realize is jello is like eating air.......flavorful.....but, empty calories...something to stick in your mouth, when you wish you could be eating eggs and bacon......or roast beef.....a wendy's baconator........UGGGGGGGGH!
and I realized my jello is mushy...not firm, when ex-hubby brought me jello snack packs the other day....that JELLO has substance....mine is not FIRM. JELLO CRISIS!!!
What am I doing wrong?????
How am I going to survive this bland diet? Almost every food I love, is not on it. No tomatoes, no grapefruits, no bacon, no salt......NO SALT and pepper!!! No french seafood......NO BERRIES......JUST JELLO.....
Of course, I could be having peanut butter....but, there is unfortunately a salmonella issue at the moment!!!! and I am all out of peanut butter in my pantry.... This could not have come at a worst moment in time.
At least peanut butter and jelly would have gotten me through. How could every jar of peanut butter be contaminated? This seems proposterous to me!
OKAY...... I just took a look see......and found the advice I was given by several well meaning friends and family was not entirely based in fact....THERE IS HOPE!!!
Here is what I found out, dated January 23rd, 2009:
1. The FDA has confirmed that the sources of the outbreak of illnesses caused by Salmonella Typhimurium are peanut butter and peanut paste produced by the Peanut Corporation of America (PCA) at its Blakely, Georgia processing plant.
2. None of PCA's products are directly sold to consumers.
3. While investigating,the FDA determined that PCA's peanut products were distributed to more than 70 consignee firms, for use as an ingredient in hundreds of different products, such as cookies, crackers, cereal, candy and ice cream.
4. FDA has created a searchable database for these consignee products, which can be found HERE.
5. The identification of products subject to recall is continuing and this list is updated frequently.
6.Major national brands of jarred peanut butter found in grocery stores are not affected by the PCA recall.
7. King Nut peanut butter is also contaminated.
8. The latest info on the outbreak can be found HERE.
YIPPEEEEEEEEE!!! I am betting on Crazy Richard's Natural Peanut Butter....I bet it is there is HOPE for me getting through this ulcer diet. I LOVE PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY.
It pays to do research....I really thought it odd every peanut butter was suddenly seemed totally ridiculous to me...and it was.
Wishing you a great Sunday......
SMiles to you,
I have tried the pineapple, sparkling grape, cherry, strawberry...and what I realize is jello is like eating air.......flavorful.....but, empty calories...something to stick in your mouth, when you wish you could be eating eggs and bacon......or roast beef.....a wendy's baconator........UGGGGGGGGH!
and I realized my jello is mushy...not firm, when ex-hubby brought me jello snack packs the other day....that JELLO has substance....mine is not FIRM. JELLO CRISIS!!!
What am I doing wrong?????
How am I going to survive this bland diet? Almost every food I love, is not on it. No tomatoes, no grapefruits, no bacon, no salt......NO SALT and pepper!!! No french seafood......NO BERRIES......JUST JELLO.....
Of course, I could be having peanut butter....but, there is unfortunately a salmonella issue at the moment!!!! and I am all out of peanut butter in my pantry.... This could not have come at a worst moment in time.
At least peanut butter and jelly would have gotten me through. How could every jar of peanut butter be contaminated? This seems proposterous to me!
OKAY...... I just took a look see......and found the advice I was given by several well meaning friends and family was not entirely based in fact....THERE IS HOPE!!!
Here is what I found out, dated January 23rd, 2009:
1. The FDA has confirmed that the sources of the outbreak of illnesses caused by Salmonella Typhimurium are peanut butter and peanut paste produced by the Peanut Corporation of America (PCA) at its Blakely, Georgia processing plant.
2. None of PCA's products are directly sold to consumers.
3. While investigating,the FDA determined that PCA's peanut products were distributed to more than 70 consignee firms, for use as an ingredient in hundreds of different products, such as cookies, crackers, cereal, candy and ice cream.
4. FDA has created a searchable database for these consignee products, which can be found HERE.
5. The identification of products subject to recall is continuing and this list is updated frequently.
6.Major national brands of jarred peanut butter found in grocery stores are not affected by the PCA recall.
7. King Nut peanut butter is also contaminated.
8. The latest info on the outbreak can be found HERE.
YIPPEEEEEEEEE!!! I am betting on Crazy Richard's Natural Peanut Butter....I bet it is there is HOPE for me getting through this ulcer diet. I LOVE PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY.
It pays to do research....I really thought it odd every peanut butter was suddenly seemed totally ridiculous to me...and it was.
Wishing you a great Sunday......
SMiles to you,
Friday, January 23, 2009
STOMACH al.........
Well, I have been predicting its arrival for this past year.......and IT SHOWED UP!
I knew it that morning (1/20), when I was walking around Michael's looking for sort of felt like that movie ALIENS....something blew out the front and the back. I came home, threw up a few times.....but, still packed up my ebay sales, went to the post office......waited in a long line...
Almost threw up all over my favorite post office worker....not sure how I drove home, but made it....just in time for another session of you know what....
and all night long........every hour on the hour...I could not even keep water down!
Did I go to the hospital, then? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I felt I was too sick to go to the hospital......LOL!!!
After tossing my cookies, so to speak for a day and a half relentlessly....I finally let myself be persuaded to go to the emergency ward (1/21)....what can I say, I WAS WEAK AND DELIRIOUS!!! I hate doctors, I hate hospitals even more.
I went and just in the nick of time! My potassium had reached dangerously low levels, to the point I was admitted for possible cardiac arrest. I agreed to stay till 7am the following morning, only because MY EX HUSBAND,refused to drive me home. Yes, he actually took me to the hospital.......can you believe it?
They ultrasounded me, EKGeed me, CatScanned me...and decided I also had an enlarged pancreas....wishful thinking. I kept telling them I THOUGHT I HAD AN ULCER...but, they were not listening.
Your pancreas does get enlarged after that much vomiting......I mean it is pretty tough on the digestive system......
Later that morning the gastroenterologist, persuaded me to do an endoscopy....I agreed since, he felt I had a possible ulcer per his review and basically bagged the pancreatis diagnosis of the rest of the medical dweebs.
It seems I have a stomach ulcer the size of a silver dollar, which is larger than average. Is that a surprise considering what my life has been for the past 7 years divorcing the ex.......trying to get the house under control, find a full time JOB, be fully self supporting, and deal with dating in the milenium........HELLO....
I am not surprised. UFO boyfriend, said it is my lifestyle....yes, he still is trying to get back in my good graces....but, just between you all and I...he is part and parcel of a big chunk of the acid that tore into my gut and I told him so! Along with the EX.......who has never been so nice to me, even when we were honeymooning!!! LOL! So what does this all say, MEAN?
1. Ex's can redeem themselves......perhaps???? Honestly, the jury is still out on this one....
2. UFO boyfriends...will always be that...UFO's.
3. The lifestyle changes that need to be made in my life, are knowing when to hold em and when to fold em and walk away, from difficult and disruptive people, influences, projects....because, they can KILL you.
4. I feel a new affinity towards JELLO.
5. I have no idea how I am going to be able to stay on a bland diet....NO SPICES...I am the CHILI POWDER QUEEN!
6. NO ALCOHOL til the ulcer heals....none, no wine, no beer, no martinis...
7. I need to learn to take on less stress from my environment.....
8. I think morning and evening meditation is in order........
9. I am sick of chicken consomme.
10. I think when I stopped knitting, the stomach acid took over....I need to knit more to keep my sanity and the stomach acid at bay!!!!!
Oh and the really biggie, not listed above, is I NEED TO REALLY QUIT SMOKING....not cut it is the PATCH for me, FEBRUARY 1st. NO EXCUSES.....smoking contributes to ulcers.
I need to go back to bed and rest. I am sore from this bout with death and that endoscopy destroyed my throat, my mouth....and bruised my face...not sure why that happened.
Wishing you a great evening.......
Smiles to you,
I knew it that morning (1/20), when I was walking around Michael's looking for sort of felt like that movie ALIENS....something blew out the front and the back. I came home, threw up a few times.....but, still packed up my ebay sales, went to the post office......waited in a long line...
Almost threw up all over my favorite post office worker....not sure how I drove home, but made it....just in time for another session of you know what....
and all night long........every hour on the hour...I could not even keep water down!
Did I go to the hospital, then? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I felt I was too sick to go to the hospital......LOL!!!
After tossing my cookies, so to speak for a day and a half relentlessly....I finally let myself be persuaded to go to the emergency ward (1/21)....what can I say, I WAS WEAK AND DELIRIOUS!!! I hate doctors, I hate hospitals even more.
I went and just in the nick of time! My potassium had reached dangerously low levels, to the point I was admitted for possible cardiac arrest. I agreed to stay till 7am the following morning, only because MY EX HUSBAND,refused to drive me home. Yes, he actually took me to the hospital.......can you believe it?
They ultrasounded me, EKGeed me, CatScanned me...and decided I also had an enlarged pancreas....wishful thinking. I kept telling them I THOUGHT I HAD AN ULCER...but, they were not listening.
Your pancreas does get enlarged after that much vomiting......I mean it is pretty tough on the digestive system......
Later that morning the gastroenterologist, persuaded me to do an endoscopy....I agreed since, he felt I had a possible ulcer per his review and basically bagged the pancreatis diagnosis of the rest of the medical dweebs.
It seems I have a stomach ulcer the size of a silver dollar, which is larger than average. Is that a surprise considering what my life has been for the past 7 years divorcing the ex.......trying to get the house under control, find a full time JOB, be fully self supporting, and deal with dating in the milenium........HELLO....
I am not surprised. UFO boyfriend, said it is my lifestyle....yes, he still is trying to get back in my good graces....but, just between you all and I...he is part and parcel of a big chunk of the acid that tore into my gut and I told him so! Along with the EX.......who has never been so nice to me, even when we were honeymooning!!! LOL! So what does this all say, MEAN?
1. Ex's can redeem themselves......perhaps???? Honestly, the jury is still out on this one....
2. UFO boyfriends...will always be that...UFO's.
3. The lifestyle changes that need to be made in my life, are knowing when to hold em and when to fold em and walk away, from difficult and disruptive people, influences, projects....because, they can KILL you.
4. I feel a new affinity towards JELLO.
5. I have no idea how I am going to be able to stay on a bland diet....NO SPICES...I am the CHILI POWDER QUEEN!
6. NO ALCOHOL til the ulcer heals....none, no wine, no beer, no martinis...
7. I need to learn to take on less stress from my environment.....
8. I think morning and evening meditation is in order........
9. I am sick of chicken consomme.
10. I think when I stopped knitting, the stomach acid took over....I need to knit more to keep my sanity and the stomach acid at bay!!!!!
Oh and the really biggie, not listed above, is I NEED TO REALLY QUIT SMOKING....not cut it is the PATCH for me, FEBRUARY 1st. NO EXCUSES.....smoking contributes to ulcers.
I need to go back to bed and rest. I am sore from this bout with death and that endoscopy destroyed my throat, my mouth....and bruised my face...not sure why that happened.
Wishing you a great evening.......
Smiles to you,
Stomach Ulcers,
Sunday, January 4, 2009
It's January 2009........
and I am having a hard time remembering to write 2009.....already have a mental block on this year.......why?
and then just after I finished that, found out Beluga, the fruitcake puppy.......decided in the interim to chew on the pinned sleeves stitch is pretty one sleeve now, also has to be fixed.
Look how she mangled that metal stitch holder....which, made me wonder where was I when she was working on that.
Wishing you a wonderful year.......
Only a knitting disaster to report........the perennial UFO cables and lace cardigan from 2004 that was so close to completion.............finished the sleeves, found a problem with the back, ripped out to armholes............while ripping out, found more errors all the way down near the bottom so had to rip out the entire back........
Here she is posing with part of the sweater...for a ravelry shot.
NOOOOOOO.....I did not kill her, but I will admit I considered it for at least a full second. Needless to say, she spent the rest of the evening in puppy jail.......for her own safety!!!
This sweater is matter how you look at it....still not done after 5 years...
Should there be a time limit, when a UFO..........should be frogged?

And just the day before, she ended up in puppy jail.......for having part of a bamboo needle in her took a few days, but I found the other parts.........and it was the clapotis scarf that she that warranted another day in puppy jail, for her.
My concern is this puppy does not seem to respect my fiber projects and in particular my fiber tools!!!
.......or is it she just knows which, projects are permanent UFO's........and is helping me out?
I was not happy with the yarn used in my Clapotis was verging on becoming a UFO......but, how did she know? and was that an excuse to destroy a perfectly good set of needles? LOL!!!
So this is how my year began..........
Wishing you a wonderful year.......
SMILES To you,
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